chapter 15

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Today i leave for the world cup and i cant really believe it i'm waiting to leave its not a very long drive so i have time to get some breakfast so i'm eating some cornflakes whilst making sure i have everything for Ava. I've made sure she had already eaten before i had mine so shes just sleeping in her car seat for once.

"you ready to go" my mum shouts from the other room "yeah! Ava is just falling asleep so be quiet" i whisper shout happy that she was going to be asleep when we got there i know its going to be weird since last time i saw the u17 girls i was 15 without a child now i'm 16 with a nearly 1 year old. hopefully it will be alright tho i'm most looking forward to seeing Ava baker since i haven't seen her in over a year and she was my best friend

Both Sarah and mum are dropping me off so we are all in the car now pretty much there and Ava is still asleep which is good they haven't put the team out yet although everyone has been called up already so the girls won't know i'm coming and i doubt they would expect it since i haven't been at any off the lead up camps for obvious reasons. I'm currently just on my phone scrolling i have some time so check my Instagram and Tiktok because Ava is asleep just keep checking on her. after about ten more minutes the car comes to a stop and i realise we have arrived and are the gate mum rolls the window down "hello we are here to drop off Tatum Daly for the under 17's world cup" my mum says and they let us through the gate so we drive round and park up eventually. "so this is it you've finally made it here now lets get you in there" so we all get out and i get all off Ava's stuff out making sure she has everything and mum and Sarah get everything for me and we walk towards the entrance bracing myself for Ava to inevitably be woken up by the screams off the girls.

"TATUM IS THAT YOU" i turn around to see ava running full speed towards me slowing down as she sees i have ava in my hands but still hugging me "omg i never thought i'd see you at u17s again i mean you literally had a baby who bye the way is so so so cute omg i've missed you so much" just to stop her rambling i say "well if you get off of me and let me come sit down you can hold her, okay?" she instantly gets off me and helps me with my things so we can go sit down

"shes adorable" ava coos with her in her arms "i take full credit" i laugh along. soon enough all off the other girls have arrived all we have to do is unpack and have dinner now then i think we are having team bonding in my room , as i cant leave ava alone, at around 6. Ava helped me im up to my room her bringing my things and me bringing ava's

"right your in 22 im in 24 so ill be literally like right there have fun with your roomie"
ava says a bit to excitedly i mean i understand she hasn't seen me in a year other than when we played Leicester in october.I don't know who my roommate is this time because normally im in a room with ava or ruby but this time ruby and ava are together so who knows who ill be with but i guess will find out soon. i open the door and the discarded suitcase and backpack meaning whoever my roommate is they are already here so i go take the free bed and put ava on the bed out off her car seat while i put up her travel cot at the side off my bed it doesn't take long to set up all i have to do is put her mattress and bedding in which also doesn't take long so right now im feeding ava she's she's finnaly not throwing her baby food back into my face while i feed her it so id says thats a win. the outside door opened so i look up "hi im katie tatum right" she looks so familiar but i just put it down to having been at camp with her before "yeah yeah that's me you alright" i ask just putting ava on the bed "yeah im good ... i know we've not really ever talked at camp much but we're rooming together so if you ever need any help with little one im always here" she stated nonchalantly "thanks means a lot"
i really did nobody is really that nice to be about because when they don't know what happened well they just assume i sleep around and they ignore me.

"well the girls should be here soon i'm
gonna get this one to bed"
i change ava into her pjs and make sure i have everything soughted for her and then put her down to sleep.

it's not long until all the girls file into the room and we are sat across the two beds and the floor just talking "wait we should play truth or dare" cut through the air from lola brown i immediately reject remembering what happened last time with my mums phone and her ex girlfriend "no no no no way" i interject "aww come on why are you so against it tatum nothing bad is gonna happen" ria rose exclaimed "do you really wanna know" i said and yes's echoed throughout the room "well you lot know my mum and you know her ex girlfriend" the silence ushered me to carry on "well the team were playing truth or dare waiting for jordan to arrive and well kenza had to read rachel's last text message and when we finally wrestled her phone off well we saw a message that was definitely meant for only well rachel" i explained and well the whole room was shocked "well were not going through anyone's phone so can we please just maybe play truth or dare" zara said "okay we can play" i give in

"okay truth or dare tatum" ava said
"dare" i said plainly not scared off anything ava had in store
"okay then kiss the person you find most attractive in this room" ava smirked
oh. shit. i know exactly who im gonna kiss but this going to be so awkward but either way i stand up and walk across the room to the other bed and lock eyes with non other than katie cox. once i'm on the bed
"this okay" i whispered
"more than" katie responded
and that was all i needed so i kiss her it's not long but long enough.
i get up walk back to my bed me now having the smirk on my face and ava well stunned
and katie looking away from the other girls
"anyway isabella truth or dare"
the game carried on and i looked over at katie to find her starting at me this going to be a long few weeks

i'm back and here is a chapter for you
any recommendations

and more chapters for my new book will be out soon

and more chapters for my new book will be out soon

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