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Akira Takami

Age: 16Birthday: November 5thGender: Non-binary (male pronouns are fine)Sexuality: BisexualHeight: 5'8" or 72cm

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Age: 16
Birthday: November 5th
Gender: Non-binary (male pronouns are fine)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'8" or 72cm

Quirk: Blue Phoenix
Akira's quirk is a combination of Dabi's flames and Hawks' fierce wings.
He can ignite his white feathers and his body as a whole or parts at will with blue flames. He does not have a lot of control over the temperature of the flames.
His quirk is similar to Hawks in that he can control each feather (with A LOT of practice) but his telekinesis is not as strong so he cannot control all the feathers at once. With this control Akio can sharpen and unsharpen his feathers. He cannot sense the vibrations from the feathers, it's very faint. His feathers are more fire resistant than Hawks' but they can still burn to ash when ignited for a prolonged period of time.
It's similar to his body. It is more tolerant of the blue flames than the average person but he can still run the risk of burning himself.
Akira's signature move with his quirk is dual, flaming swords.

When he ignites his flames he tends to do so on the outer feathers, furthest away from his back/body. The feathers closest to him he rarely ignites (to avoid getting burnt), He tends to wear fire-resistant gloves.

If Akira were to be described in one phrase it would be 'a good boy'.
In general he is well-behaved but who he is around it can influence his mood (for better or for worse).

Deep down he is pretty shy. He is an ambivert (leaning toward introvert) but he always keeps the appearance of a perky, likable, outgoing person. It’s only when he gets close with someone that he will mellow out some. (He’s like Hawks in a lot of ways … he can put on a front … but unlike Hawks it’s genuine and not for any underlying purpose.)
Akira is the type of person that looks and acts like a model student but has a secret mischievous/naughty side.
His first impression to others he learns from Hawks and the mischievous side he gets from both … but especially Dabi.
(In highschool he could have been the popular kid/student or that smart, rich kid that hung out with troublemakers … or a combination of both.)

For the most part he has good self control unless he is suddenly put into an uncomfortable situation … then he might act irrationally.
He values truth and wants to be seen as an honest person.

Akira has a very developed emotional intelligence to be able to read either of his Dads, who regularly obfuscate and are very good liars (not that they would lie with any regularity to Akira, they both would err more on the side of “don’t tell him certain stuff till he’s X years old”), he’d have to be good at reading people. Both Dabi and Hawks lie as a matter of survival, and they would never want that for Akira.

In terms of personality types he fits ENFP in many ways, but not completely.
Below are some aspects that fit him:

He wants to live his life as his True Self, walking in step with what he believes is right.
He is constantly aware and somewhat fearful of losing touch with himself.
ENFPs almost always have a strong need to be liked. They are genuinely warm and interested in people, and place great importance on their interpersonal relationships.
ENFPs sometimes make serious errors in judgment. They have an amazing ability to intuitively perceive the truth about a person or situation, but when they apply judgment to their perception, they may jump to the wrong conclusions.
He is perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist to an imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit
He has a strong need to be independent, and resist being controlled or labeled. He needs to maintain control over himself, but he does not believe in controlling others.
In terms of his gender Akira identifies as non-binary. He considers himself gender-nebulous but sometimes leaning towards male, never female.

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