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A/N the bathroom is soundproof and lucius is a serial killer (just to make the story make sense) also i cba to do a propper grammar and spelling check so if theres a mistake js ignore it

it was cold morning, not even the thick gryffindor blankets could warm harry. He couldnt sleep, how could he? if you knew a couple of serial killers were out to kill you and one of the serial killers sons went to the same school as you and saw you daily would you be able to sleep? of course not. he didnt usually get much insomnia over this before, why was it getting to him now? even the smallest draft would make the hairs on the back of harrys neck stand. Harrys eyes began to flutter after hours of staring at the slowly cracking paint on the ceiling when he heard it. a slow and quiet shut of a door, specifically the common room door. was someone down there? this is when harry truly had the instincts of both his parents, of course he did not know of it. the curious and ready to put up a fight urge coming from james potter but the not wanted not to be another statistic of murder instinct came from lily potter. he was contemplating what to do when he heard the quiet and hardly audible footsteps of someone. Harry sat up in bed, put on his glasses and grabbed his wand for protection. Millions of scenarious ran through harrys head. Voldemort finally broke in, one of his workers was coming to kidnap him to give to voldemort, one of his crazy fans finally managed to find the gryffindor password and wanted to get a picture of the sleeping chosen one. either way harry wanted whom ever or what ever that was walking so quietly (but not quiet enough) up those stairs to know that he was not the type to be messed with or someone who wouldnt put up a fight. Then the walking stopped. he started thinking, was i just being paranoid? was i just imagining this? but they all came to a halt when the golden door handle slowly started twisting. harrys hand started shaking, now not just from the cold. how was no one else noticing this? he was in a room with atleast 5 other boys and he was the only one who heard this and saw it. when the door started opening harrys heart raced with anticipation and possible traces of fear. their hood was up and turned their back to shut the door a bag hanging on their shoulder, giving harry no chance of seeing their face, but the second they took their hood down he know who it was. "draco?" he whispered trying not to make the others wake. the blonde boy flinched at hearing his name and turned. he walked over to harry placing his wand on the desk, proving he wasnt trying to fight. when dracos arm was not near his wand he placed his wand back on the desk. thats when draco grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bathroom. after shutting the bathroom door harry spoke "what the fuck malfoy? what the fuck do you think your doing here at this time of night" draco looked like he had been crying his grey eyes were now surrounded by bloodshot red. his porcelain skin was red and had a slap mark on his left cheek, which had left quite the bruise. "look potter, you and i havent got much time, you need to listen to me." harry didnt want to believe him but his sincerity in his eyes made it hard not to. "what are you talking about draco?" draco rummaged around in his bag and handed harry clothes and trainers. "put these on and ill explain." harry went to leave the bathroom to change but draco stood in his way. "you cant go out there, get changed in here." embarassment filled harry and formed a slight pink tint of harrys cheeks and ears, "but-" draco immediately interupted him disguted by what harry was thinking. "im not going to watch you obviously but youll need to hurry. once youve gotten changed ill take your clothes and put them in here" he opened his bag that had some other items that harry could not get a proper look of. reluctantly harry started taking of his shirt revealing his well exercised body, covered with old fading scars and not that old cuts and scratches across his front that draco got a quick glmipse of before turning around. harry got dressed as quickly as he could like draco had said to do. when he was done he was wearing black joggers, a long sleeved black top, black shoes with a black jumper ,which was a bit to big but it would do for now. "care to explain?" harry said as he examined the clothes and then looked up at draco. "ill give you more details later but for now ill tell you the gist of it. i overheard one of my fathers plans with you know who over the holidays and tonight the plan will take action, my father found that i was listening hence the bruises. but what you mainly need to know is you need to grab your wand and we need to get out of here..now." he said looking at the watch on his wrist. draco pulled the hood on his hoodie over his head and harry followed him in this action. "the second this door opens there is no going back." harry then had an idea pop in his head. "ok" he said. draco opened the door quickly and harry grabbed both his and dracos wand, his invisibility cloak and the maurauders map. draco rushed him and harry put his pyjamas his cloak and map in the bag and gave draco his wand. they left the dorm and luckily didnt wake anyone. they quietly ran down the stairs and out of the common room. harry followed draco, this could ever lead to his death or to his survival, he just had to trust draco but also be aware of the possible outcomes. draco had to avoid not only his father and other death eater but teachers and sometimes students roaming the school for shits and giggles. in the dusty hallways it was hard not to alert anyone because the echo of their footsteps made it highly likely they were to be caught but they were in such a rush it was one of the last things they cared about. thats when they ran down the field and draco hid behind a few bushes encouraging harry to do the same. harry had his hands on his knees trying cath his breath whilst draco was searching the ground, but it looked like nothing was there. draco then sighed in relief as he grabbed something on the ground and told harry to get in. harry saw that the ground infront of draco had turned into a set of stairs with small dimly lit candles around making it easier to see. harry clutched his wand as he made the descend down the stairs, draco followed him and whispered a spell under his breath closing the entrance of the stairs so now the only way was down. harrys heart was racing as his grip on his wand tightened for protection. once the stairs ended there was a room, as harry entered the overwhelming feeling of being welcome washed over him. there was a sofa made for four and a one seater diagonal from it in between was a coffee table that sat directly infront of both seats. on the wall was large bookshelfs that stretched from the bottom to the top of the wall it had small labels that read what genre the books where , wizardry or muggle, history or fantasy, fiction or non fiction, there was everything. harry walked in allowing draco in aswell. around the small corner, was a massive bed with decorative pillows, it was elegant but designed for two. next to it was two bed side tables and a wadrobe on the right hand side. around the other corner was a kitchen, this gives him flashbacks of the dursleys, how he slaved after those lazy pigs. there was a dining table with wine glasses and candles, they looked as if they were for a couple but there were four chairs in total spread around it. "how long are we going to be down here?" harry said as he looked at draco who was looking in the mirror examining the bruise. " a week at least." harrys eyes widened. "a week? are you joking what about my friends? my studies? how am i going to be a minister if i miss more of my lessons?" draco looked away from the mirror and turned to face harry, "ive sent a message to hermione and ron and to dumbledor explaining the situation as breifly as i could, as for your studies since we have the same timetable i went to our teachers and they have provided me with the next 2 weeks of learning as well as homework." harry was shocked with dracos level of preparedness. "2 weeks? make up your mind am i staying here for a week or two?" draco sighed as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine, pouring an equal amount into both glasses taking them both into the living room and he sat at the four seater sofa placing th glasses down on the coffee table, "1 week is the bare minimum" he said before taking a sip of the wine. he looked at harry "id say about a month is the maximum but lets hope it doesnt get to that point." he looked at the seat horizontal to him and harry felt obliged to join him, so he did. taking a sip of the wine as he did so. it burnt his throat but he acted like he was a natuural at it. dracvo had picked the book off of the table and had started reading it. the silence was unbearable, harry had so many questions that he wanted to so badly ask but the calm expression on dracos face made harry not want to desturb him. finally after about 15 page flips and 20 sips of wine from draco harry blurted out. "why did you want to help me malfoy? we've been enemies since first year. why help me now? after all weve done to eachother?" draco sighed as he placed his book down, he was so much calmer now he was in here. "you were the one who rejected me potter, remember? i believe in giving people second chances." he said as he looked at harry. harry felt a wash of guilt and appreciation. he looked at draco and the looked into eachothers beautiful eyes for atleast a minute before a hand was outstretched, "truce?" harry said catching draco off gaurd a little bit and after a second draco shook his hand. they both smiled and laughed. draco let go of harrys smooth hand and grabbed the wine glass and held it out, " to a newly formed friendship" harry smiled even more, " to a newly formed friendship" he repeated clinking theyre glasses together. then they both took a sip. after three glasses of wine and a lot of laughter jokes and even a hint of flirtation, draco looked at a drunk harry, his glasses hanging on the the end of harrys nose, his hair just as crazy as it usually is and his emerald eyes filled with joy and pleasure, draco couldnt help but feel inlove with this boy, he couldnt help it, but never would he tell harry. never. harry noticed dracos staring and stared admiring draco aswell, his blonde hair that normally is perfectly styled was messed up but in a sexy way, his black button up shirt was half unbuttoned revealing a fit and healthy body, his bloodshot eyes had calmed down making the grey even more noticable, and hot. harry loved dracos eyes and he has known it for the longest time but would never say anything to draco about how fit he is, or how perfect his hair eyes body face voice and jawline was. or how inlove he was with him, it would be incredibly awkward since they had just declared friendship after several years of being eachtothers mortal enemies. but harry being drunk as fuck and his fathers son he looked at dracos lips and then his eyes and said, "fucking merlin are you hot" this caught draco by surprise but he didnt let these comments be met by silence, "is that so potter?" he said sending shivers up harrys spine, "yeah, your the walking definition of perfection." draco raised an eyebrow, amused, "your hair, your smile, your lips, your eyes, your voice, your laugh and merlins sake your figure, your the walkind definition of hot, perfect, beautiful, fuck if you were into guys i would be all over you right now." harry laughed and draco smirked "who said im not into guys" harry paused and then looked at him, "are you gay?" harry said without thinking, "mhm, got a problem with it, potter?" draco said leaning on his hand slightly tilting his head. " fuck no" harry said, leaning in closer to draco but not to close. "lets pour another glass of wine and see where this takes us" draco went a very light pink but he agreed, pouring another glass for the both of them. harry took a quick swig, so did draco. then they locked eyes once again. harry had no control now, his mother in him told him to hold fire but his father told him to go ahead. so he sat next to draco tracing his neckline dragging it up to his jaw. "if you want me to stop ill stop" harry whispered as their lips were about to touch, draco leant forward breaking the distance between them, the long awaited kiss broke the tension, it felt right, they knew eachothers rhythms and they just clicked exploring eachother and hands going underneath shirts before removing them and before they knew it they where half naked draco ontop of harry kissing and leaving hickeys, that when draco grabbed harry and stood, harrys legs wrapping around dracos waist as the made out, draco was strong enough to hold harry whilst kissing him and walk him to the bed laying harry out on it like a prized possesion all gentle movements and nothing to harm him like if he were to be touched to roughly he would break.

in the morning harry felt strong arms around him and flashbacks of the night before played in his head, a big smile fell on his face as he turned and saw the angelic face of the draco malfoy. harry was going to be stuck with this man for atleast a week, imagine what they would do and what they could do to eachother, harry looked down and his neck was covered with hickeys this would never be a night he could forget. he pressed his face in dracos neck and waited for draco to wake up. about 10 minutes later draco woke up and looked at harry with utter admiration. "fuck arent you hot" draco said as he kissed his forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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