New Beginnings

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The rattling of the carriage on cobbled stone roused Aemma, when her head repeatedly knocked against the window and stirred the girl from a restless slumber.It had been quite some time since she had visited her relatives at the capital and though she was excited to see her grandmother, the journey had been long for a child of ten. Her nursemaid shook her shoulder to ensure the girl had woken up as the carriage entered the courtyard of the Keep and came to a halt. Aemma blinked tiredly and lifted a hand to rub her face, when the door was opened by a servant to allow the young princess and her entourage to exit. From what she had been told, her father had been appointed to serve in King's council again and Aemma was to meet him here, so that she could see her maternal family again. A beaming smile spread across her features when she climbed out of the carriage and saw her grandmother, the good Queen Alysanne awaiting her a few steps away. Aemma had grown up without a mother, but always imagined Daella to have been very similar to the Queen. Everything about her grandmother was lovely and comforting. She had the warmest smile, gave the best embraces and was always thrilled to see her youngest granddaughter. "Grandmother", Aemma called out excitedly and hurried over to fling her arms around the Queen's middle, who huffed an amused laugh and embraced the child.

"I am happy to see you too, sweet girl. Welcome back to the Keep! I trust your journey here was not too unpleasant? Let me look at you properly", the Queen said and held Aemma an arm length away from her own body, so that she could muster the girl. Aemma noticed that the smile on the Queen's lips faltered briefly and sadness darkened her eyes, but it disappeared promptly. "You look more and more like your dear mother, sweet girl. And my, have you grown! Come, you must be hungry and excited to see your cousin and aunt", Alysanne said, holding her hand out for Aemma to take, which the girl did immediately. Cousin Daemon and aunt Gael were closest in age to her, so the young princess liked to be in their company. Rhaenys was her favorite, but the older cousin had married already and lived at Driftmark, where Aemma hoped to visit during her stay here. Father had not mentioned how long they would reside at the Keep, but it was usually for at least a week or two, so maybe she would be able to cross the sea to see Rhaenys as well.

Following the Queen inside, already eager to see the other two children. Even though Daemon could be rambunctious and annoyingly boastful, Aemma loved him dearly and knew how to handle his moods. Gael was gentle and kind, so she was always willing to entertain her little niece with plays and stories. They often sat together at night to read books by the fire and it was one of Aemma's favorite rituals here at the Keep. Her own siblings were all many years older than her and had little interest in the girl that could have been their own child age wise. They were amicable enough around her, but neither one of them paid much heed to her wants and needs. So as much as she loved the Vale, Aemma was a little lonely there and would have loved to bring all of her relatives to her father's home, just to have them closer.

"Ah, Aemmy, you arrived", a voice echoed from behind and they turned to see Rordrik striding towards them, smiling at his youngest daughter. He was a kind man, but equally ill equipped to tend to a small girl at his age, nor particularly eager to. Whenever Aemma was around him, he did his best to make sure she was taken care of, but generally preferred to leave her in the care of nursemaids, insisting that he was busy tending to his many duties. Nonetheless, Aemma loved her father and was happy to see them, because he had been at the capital for a couple of weeks already. "Your Grace", he greeted the Queen, before patting his daughter's head. "If you agree, I would like to take Aemma to her chambers and speak with her, before she can go and play with her little friends here", he added and earned a long, indecipherable look from Alysanne, which Aemma did not quite understand. There was obvious tension between them, but they tried to keep it at bay in her presence. What had happened here? Usually her father's relationship with her mother's side of the family had been cordial and not this strained. Looking from one adult to the other, Aemma remained quiet and waited until the Queen let go of her hand and nodded. "Of course. I will see you later, sweet girl", she told the child and leaned down to kiss her forehead, then let her go with Rodrik. Aemma knew where her bedchambers were and needn't be led there, but a strange feeling spread in the pit of her stomach over the seriousness on her father's features and the notion of having to talk to him about something.

When they reached the nursery, he asked of the maid to wait outside and closed the door, turning towards his daughter. "Please sit, Aemma", he told her and waited until she had done so in a small cushioned armchair, while he remained standing. "I have been at the capital for a few weeks to make...arrangements with your grandsire, the King. You are still a little girl, but you know that as a princess, you will have certain duties in the future. As your father, it is mine to ensure that you will be taken care of. You are a Targaryen, like your dear mother, so it is within the right of your maternal family to have a say in your upbringing and future. Which is why your grandsire and I have come to the agreement to betroth you to your cousin Viserys. He is a good young lad with a kind disposition, who will connect you more to your Targaryen side and ensure that your future will be prosperous. To make you more comfortable around your future husband, we have agreed that it is best for you to live here from now on and not return to the Eyrie anymore. You may visit, of course, but your home is here now, Aemma. I am to depart tonight, because there are matters to tend to in the Vale, so I wanted to speak with you beforehand."

Aemma sat in her little chair, staring up at her father while trying to process everything he had just said. The words had come out so quickly that she suspected he had rattled them down to be sure he would actually say them out loud, mayhaps worrying about her reaction. So many questions swirled through the girl's mind immediately and yet all she felt was sorrow. Visiting the Keep had always been exciting, but it was not her home, nor did she wish to stay here all by herself. And though she had always known that her inherited title came with duties, she was only ten years of age and had expected to be a child for a little longer. Not to mention that Viserys was her least favorite cousin, because he was stern and not very good at interacting with the younger children. The girl's mouth opened and closed without a sound, because she was too shocked and taken aback to verbalize all of her thoughts. Instead of taking time to sit down with her and speak to Aemma about all of the news he had just catapulted at her, Rodrik reached out to cup her cheek and pressed a kiss to her temple, before straightening up. "I have a small council meeting to attend, my dear. I am sure Daemon and Gael are eager to play with you. We will have dinner together tonight before I depart", he told his daughter, then left the room without another word.

Aemma remained seated, staring at the closed door in utter disbelief and rising panic. She wanted to run after her father, beg him to take her home to the Vale later, to reconsider the arrangement he had made with the King, but it was not in her nature to disobey. If there was one thing Aemma was known for, it was being an easy, loveable child, who aimed to please and respected adults. If her father and grandsire had chosen this, there was nothing she could do, but it didn't change the fact that she felt like the ground had opened beneath her feet and she was free falling. She had come here, eager to see her family and anticipating a pleasant visit, but not to stay here forever. As much as she loved times at the Keep, she was a guest here and it was not her home. To think that she had left the Vale forever without knowing it - this thought alone broke her heart. She had not seen her sisters one last time, nor spoken to her brothers. Most of her belongings were still there and Aemma could not even fathom the entirety of what was happening, even though she already felt the first impacts of it.
Hot tears spilled down her pale cheeks and the little girl sobbed, wrapping her arms around her own body. She felt homesick already, even though she had only just arrived and had been excited moments earlier. How could her father do that to her? Did he love her so little that it was so easy to cast her aside and make her someone else's problem? And why Viserys? Why couldn't it have been -

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door was flung open with force and a figure appeared in it. A boy half a head taller than her, with windswept silver hair, a sunburned face and a wooden sword in his hand, lavender hues trained on Aemma.
"What are you crying about? We have work to do, dear Aemmy. The garden has been taken over by pirates. I require your immediate assistance", he said seriously, but broke into a grin almost immediately. "Hurry now, we have no time to lose", he exclaimed, throwing a second wooden sword towards her, before running out again. Aemma stared at the toy and the open door, before wiping the tears from her face and jumping up, grabbing the sword and charging after the boy.
"Dae wait", she called out, but a laugh erupted from her throat despite her sorrow, because it was typical for her cousin to make an entrance like this. Mayhaps it would not be so bad to live here, after all.

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