Chapter 5

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"Hey Niall!!!" Grace shouted flirtatiously.

"What are you doing?!" I said and pulled her away from the window.

"What?" She laughed.

"RAY!!!!" Niall yelled from outside. My eyes widened. Oh god, this could not be happening right now...

"Whats going on?" Anne asked as she walked over to us.

"Ray's going out with Niall," Grace said, teasingly.

"No I'm not."

"Aww come on Ray, he's not that bad..."  Morgan said.

"What?? You said yourself, 'he's a jerk'"

"Yeah but...I think I was wrong about him..he seemed really cool at the coffee shop, come on Ray..."

I couldn't believe this. My own friends had turned on me.

"...he really likes you," Grace said.

"COME ON RAY! GO OUT WITH ME!!" Niall shouted.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the window,

"Will you be quite! You're going to wake up the neighbors!" Niall laughed and started to climb up the side of my house using the fence.

"What are you doing?!! You can't come up here!" I whisper shouted.

"Too late," Niall said as he stepped into my room, "Oh, hey girls," Niall said and gave them a winning smile. They smiled and waved. "You going out like that?" Niall asked and looked me up and down. I was in sweats and my hair was in a pony tail. I gave him a look and he laughed.

"Come on Ray, I'll help you get ready!" Morgan said and pulled me away by my arm


"What the hell is going on here?!" I whispered at Morgan as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

"You're going out with Niall," she said cheekily.

"What the..?! I told you I didn't want to! Morgan we both know this isn't the kinda of guy I should be hanging out with!" She continued to ignore me and threw a pair of jeans and a nice shirt at me.

"Put this on," she said.

"Morgan! What the fuck?!" 

"What?! I'm sorry Ray, okay look...all that we know is only what we've heard...I don't think Niall's like that. I think you should give him a try...I think you need this..."

"What are you talking about??"

"'ve been ignoring boys for most of your teenage life, and now this boy, who just scaled the f*king side of your house, is here and he wants to go out with you and you won't give him the time of day! Ray, girls would kill to be in a situation like this..."

"But Morgan...what if..what if what we heard is true..." I whispered. She looked up and looked me right in the eyes.

"Do you believe it?" she asked me. I shook my head no.

"Then  whats stopping you??" she asked and shooved the clothes in my face.

"He frightens me," I whispered.

"Come on Ray...give him a try...for me?" Morgan said and gave me puppy dog eyes. 

I groaned and gave in, putting on the jeans and top she picked out for me.

"Yay!!" Morgan said. "Ok wait..come over here..." Morgan said. I walked over and Morgan took the hair tie out of my hair. She grabbed a brush and brushed through my hair a bit. "Shake out your hair," She said, and I obeyed. "Good, okay, close your eyes, I'm gonna put a little makeup on you," she said.

ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora