Anything and Everything

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Ben Ripley had many stories to tell. After all, the least that putting his life at risk to save the country could do was return him with tales to tell... Well, they were to never actually be said out loud due to the secrecy of his job, but. That part isn't really important, right? 

It all fell apart however. Months following the exposure of the Spy Academy, he and his fellow spies and close friends-- Erica Hale, Zoe Zibbell, Mike Brezinski-- were sent to the Alaskan artic tundra. A capture and rescue later, here Ben was. Still in one piece surprisingly. 

It was a hot mess, he recalls. The hostage trades ended up successful, and he thought it was worth it getting to work  with an insanely talented fellow spy named Svetlana-- which Zoe had adoringly given her the nickname of "Lana". Several passive aggressive letters sent to Cyrus Hale later however, the abducted in this situation, was enough for the small team of spies to be temporarily suspended. 

So, you can imagine how surprised Ben was to see a thick dossier labeled "for-your-eyes-only" being delivered to his cabin in the woods. By who? Ben didn't care. Not anymore. 

WIFI wasn't really an option to distract himself, connection was spotty and it could lead to... People that he shouldn't be associating with, to put it nicely. Ben was getting rather sick of sharing his cabin with his furry housemates as well. *cough, cough. Maverick the Raccoon. cough, cough.* Occasionally, finding gifts of random fur left on his pillows and clothing. During the countless weeks where he spent playing board games with Mike, practicing archery with Erica, third wheeling Svetlana and Zoe he tried to study with, he had come to terms that he was getting bored. 

He opened the dossier to see a letter waiting for him:

"Dear Agent XXX,

I am writing this letter in regards to your recent suspension as an agent in training, along with XXX, XXX, and XXX. With XXX's recent retirement, a new supervisor has replaced his duties by the name of XXX. We have an urgent case that needs to be resolved as soon as possible and as we are currently facing a staff shortage in midst of this crisis, we are re-activating your team. The mission objectives are simple. Locate the man in the photo we have provided. His name is Hugh Rooks. We require that he be tracked down by the end of the month. There is important information out there that could be harmful to the public. 

Don't worry about the transportation and housing. 

As always, a lot is on the line. Good luck agents!

CIA Director,


A tiny silver paperclip clung to the letter with, indeed, the photo of a rugged looking man. Hugh Rooks had quite the impressive beard and hardened eyes. He looked to be maybe 60, the type to live isolated in a shack on a mountain and take polar plunges. Well, isn't that oddly specific.

Ben flips the page and quickly skimmed through the content, where Rooks was last seen, familial connections, his relationship to the CIA... Potential bombing and identity theft... Murray Hill...


Ben lets his eyes flit back up to the name.


Oh boy. 

A/N: don't expect a real plot lmaoo, this is basically the prequel to a hypothetical book. for now, this is just me fooling around :P i've planned 7, maybe 8, short chapters in total and most of it is about the relationships between characters and basically being stuck in one place together. 

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