2 - Nala

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*Trigger Warning - abuse and neglect*

I jumped slightly. Who would want to talk to me? All I am is scum, a filthy animal who is never without bruises and fresh cuts. 

"Hey miss, I'm new here, and I need some help getting around the school. The principal said to go and find a girl named Nala. Do you know where I could find them?" A kind, deep voice said. I turned around, and standing behind me was the most hottest guy I've ever seen. He was tall, about 6'4", with sandy brown hair and eyes as blue as the sea, and as soft as a newborn lamb. He had high cheekbones, plump pink lips, and a strong chin and jaw line.

"Y-yeah, I'm Nala. W-what do you need?" I asked in a stutter, trying to keep my head down. I closed my locker door gently behind me after I switched my books out for the next few periods. 

"Okay. The principal said that you need to show me around, and help me with my locker."

"Alright. I should formally introduce myself. I'm Nala." I said, holding out my hand, trying to hide the shake that was always there. 

"I'm Aiden. It's nice to meet you." He said, and we shook hands. 

"If you'd follow me, I will take you to the principal to get your schedule. then we'll officially start the tour." I don't know why the principal chose me to give Aiden a tour of the school. I'm not on the student council, nor am I popular. I've always kept my head down, even around the staff. 

I tried to keep my head down the entire tour, being utterly conscious of the bruises that still marred my face. 

I showed him around the school, and looked over the schedule to map out where all of his classes would be. We didn't share many, but the ones we did share were the ones I hated the most. By the time we got done, it was third period - gym. I hated gym. I was constantly being bullied and beaten for not being as athletic as the others. Between being beaten daily, malnourishment, and sleep deprivation, I was always behind everyone else when it came to physical activity.

Unlike many, I liked school. When I turn 18 in two years, I'll move to a different pack, far away from my father and his abuse, and become a school counselor. I want to help children and the supernatural who are abused like me. I already have my plan and know how I'm going to pull it off. 

By the end of fifth period, I was exhausted beyond belief. After my 6th period English class, I went to my locker to collect the rest of my books to take home so I could go straight home after the dismissal bell. 

Just as I was about done at my locker, when a hand came around my shoulder and violently slammed my locker door in my face. 

"Hey, flea bag, turn around." A raspy male voice said. I knew who it was. It was Dylan, one of my most frequent bullies. I didn't turn around. Whether I did turn around or didn't, I'd get hurt either way. 

"I said, TURN AROUND!" By the sound of it, he was accompanied by Cody. Both Cody and Dylan live in the Stone pack, my father's pack. Cody gripped my shoulder tight, and thrust me around, shoving me into my locker, hurting my spine. "When I say something, you'll obey me, got it?" 

I stayed silent, and tried to retreat into my mind, to escape from the hell I know is about to come. 

"Since the little omega can't follow orders, why don't we give her the usual?" Dylan said.

"Pickle, what are you doing with her?" A high squealy voice said. It was Brenna, captain of the cheerleading squad and biggest school slut. There was a small group accompanying her, too. 

"I'm teaching the mutt a lesson, Bre. Wanna help?" Dylan said in an evil voice. Cody sat me down and I looked up at all of them. They all had devilish grins engrained on their faces. I knew their faces would be the last thing I saw for a while. 

Brenna took off her high heels. Dylan had a baseball bat, and Cody had a pocket knife. 

I was panicking. I knew what was in store for me, and I was dreading it. I should be used to it by now, with all of the pain I feel day to day, but even though I know what's coming, it doesn't do anything to alleviate my anxiety. 


I heard it before I felt it, and after a few seconds, there was a searing pain spreading through my hand and up my arm. I looked down at my hand, and some of my bones were flat. Dylan had stepped on it with all of his weight. 

I looked up at them. "Why do you do this to me? What did I do to you?" I asked in desperation. 

"Because we don't need an omega cramping our style!" Brenna said. On my 12th birthday, my father had the idea to make me the pack omega, and make Dylan, Beta Rick's son the soon-to-be Alpha. 


Cody punched me in the face, and I tried to muffle my scream to no avail. 


One of Brenna's heels had made multiple puncture wounds. 


The baseball bat made thick contact with my head, and black dots started to invade and cloud my vision. I tried hard to fight it, but when I got another hit to the other side of my head, I felt something ooze out of my ear. I started to go numb from all of the pain. I quickly became dizzy, and just as my head made contact with the floor, I heard someone shout, "Hey! Leave her alone!" 

And then, I heard nothing at all. 

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