2 boys

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You know that feeling whenever you hear your alarm sound. It fucking sucks. I wake up every morning and scream into my pillow. Fortunately, my new bed in California is way better than my old one in Utah. We got to our new house on Saturday late at night. It was a nice house in a nice neighborhood. I actually liked the fact that we moved. I didn't have much to leave behind in Utah. Not after my best friend died. It was about time I moved out of that hell town.

My alarm went off at 10 am. It was Sunday and I knew no one in town yet. I got up and changed before heading down to the kitchen to fill up my water bottle. I headed straight for the swing on the porch. Mostly to get some fresh air but also to orient myself to the neighborhood. I sat on my phone for a bit and looked at the houses around mine. Heard the early morning birds and occasional cars drive by. 2 boys around my age walked out of the house next to mine with a football. They started tossing it in their front yard. They both looked about my age and were very attractive. At some point the one facing my way noticed me and smiled at me. The other boy saw him staring at me and looked over. I went back to my phone so it didn't look like I was stalking them. I looked up at them a second later and they were walking towards me. My heart started pounding as they got closer and closer.
"Hey," the brunette one started.
"Did you just move here?" He continued.
"Yeah" I responded.
"Oh nice. My name is Oliver but you can call me Ollie and this is my brother Jackson." The brunette stated.
"Hey." Jackson said.
"My names Livi."
"Short for Olivia?" Asked Jackson.
"No it's just Livi." I replied.
"Damn, that's weird." He said. I laughed a bit.
"It was nice to meet you Livi." Said Ollie.
"You too." And they walked away. That was my que to go back inside.

The rest of the day went by fast. Soon it was lunch time, then dinner time, and then night time. That night I couldn't sleep so I went out on a walk. Coming back from the walk I saw Ollie leaving his house. I was walking by when he stopped me.
"What are you doing out so late?" He asked.
"I just went on a walk, what about you."
"About to go on a late night drive. I need to get out of the house, wanna come?" He asked.
"Sure" I said.
Maybe getting in the car with basically a stranger wouldn't be the best idea but I trusted Ollie enough to go on a drive with him.

Ollie had brown hair and brown eyes. He was super sweet and cute. He definitely gave off golden retriever energy but was still retained. He was basically perfect. We explained our whole lives in that car. I told him why we moved. Because my parents wanted a fresh start. I told him about my older brother, Liam, who was only a year older than me. I told him about my best friend even. He told me about his mom and little sister and how his dad has never been a part of his life. He also told me about football and his friends. He told me how school was and what to be prepared for. We finally got back home after we felt like we had no more to talk about. It was really late and we both needed to go to sleep for school the next day. He pulled in the driveway.
"Thanks for going on a drive with me. This was nice." Said Ollie.
"Of course, I needed to get out of the house too." I replied.
" See ya" he said.
"Bye." I ended with. I went back into bed and went right asleep.

2 boys, 1 heartWhere stories live. Discover now