One | Cloud Nine

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A figure of a girl hurriedly searching for something in a dark library, only has a candle as her light sources. She seemed to be a little panicked although her face still showed a hint of calmness.

"Bloody.. where is it?" she muttered. Her eyes were wandering everywhere over all the bookshelves.

Desperation washed over her. She puts down the candle in her hand on the ground then began to continued to searched the things she wanted between the books. Many pages of books were flipped, yet nothing seemed to satisfy her greed of whatever she was searching for.

"Ugh, where are you?" she kept whispering to herself, as if the thing the was searching for can answer her calls.

"Sera," a deep, familiar husky voice called. She immediately froze, stopping whatever she was doing. Slowly, she turned her head towards the voice's owner. A drop of cold sweat fell from her forehead.

"May I ask, what are you doing here this late?"

Five months ago.

"Oh. My. Goodness!" Sera jumped in excitement. She was holding a letter in her hands, and she didn't think that she would let go of the letter very soon.

"Oh God, Sera, please calm down." Her father Reese, exclaimed whilst chuckling as he watched his oldest daughter jumping around.

"How can I calm down when I got accepted into 'that' school?" Sera replied to her father with a question. She couldn't stop smiling at the letter in her hands with a wide, bright smile.

"I know you're excited, darling. But please calm down, and finish your dinner first, okay?" Her mother Cicely, insisted. Her left hand moved to pat the head of her daughter for a few seconds before she pulled her hand away and sat down on her seat.

Sera giggled softly when she felt her mother's loving touches on her head. Immediately, she nodded her head and folded the paper before putting it in the pocket on her pants. It almost seemed like she really doesn't want anyone or anything to touch that letter besides her and her only.

Sera quickly finished her dinner, barely tasting the food on her plate. She was too eager to read the letter again and find out more about the school. She thanked her parents for the meal and ran upstairs to her room, clutching the letter in her hands. She locked the door behind her and opened the letter with trembling fingers. She scanned the words on the paper, looking for the name of the school that had accepted her. She gasped when she saw it. It was...

"Oh. My. God!" She accidentally yelled out of excitement, causing her parents to ran upstairs to her room.

"Sera? What's wrong?" Cicely inquired with a frown on her forehead.

Sera quickly turned her head towards her parents and rushed to the couple before showing the letter with a big smile displayed on her face.

Sera quickly turned her head towards her parents and rushed to the couple before showing the letter with a big smile displayed on her face

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"Wait..." Reese and Cicely carefully took the letter in their daughter hands and read all the words. When Reese realised what was happening, a curve showed on his face as he lifted his head to look at Sera.

Sera can't help but laughed in joy. Obviously, it's not something funny. But the boost of serotonin made her felt like laughing, and even screaming or jumping around.

"This is not a joke, right? Seriously, Westwood High?" Cicely grinned.

Westwood High of Arts. One of the most prestigious art school located in Oxford. Just go and ask any young artists about their dream schools, WHA would definitely be on their list.

"Oh my God, Oh my God! It's like a dream come true!" Sera giggled. Reese handed back the letter to Sera, and she can't bring herself to take her gaze away the letter.

"Honestly," Reese paused, slightly chuckling, "I can already predict that you will get accepted in Westwood. What kind of school would waste such a multi-talented artist like my daughter?" He moved his hand to pat the back of Sera.

"Yup! Only a fool would do that," Cicely added.

They honestly weren't quite sure if Sera was listening or was she currently daydreaming in her own world, but not like they care. Even if she wasn't listening, they would repeat the same sentences thousands of times because they're intelligent daughter deserves to be praised and showered with compliments. Not everyone was able to got into that kind of prestigious school anyway.

"I think we should buy her stuffs to bring along to the dorm next year," Cicely suggested.

Reese gently took away the letter from Sera. Not to tease, but not make her listen. Sera giggled as she could read her father's intention.

"Well, that would be a great idea. Isn't it, Sera?" Reese nudged Sera a little before laughing softly.

She immediately nodded her head in agreement.

"Sure! I'll make my list," she insisted. Then she went running to take her notebook along with a black pen.

Reese and Cicely could only shook their heads while watching Sera. Well for 12 years old kid, she's very energetic and full of life. And that's make her full of characters.


Hello, thank you for reading :) I apologise if there's some typos or grammar error (English isn't my first language) but whatever. Please do vote, thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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