t.n. cant sleep

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tw: drug use ⚠️

i looked over at my clock after trying to fall asleep for what felt like hours.

1:36 am

i sighed and rolled out of bed putting on my slippers and making my way out of my dorm trying my best to not make any noise.

i walked the castle halls making sure to look around every corner before i turn as to not get caught out of bed after hours.

i walk for a while before coming to the astronomy tower and walking up the stairs.

as i approached the top i could hear a faint bubbling sound. i turned the corner and of course its theodore nott with a bong in one hand and a lighter in the other.

he was sitting facing the the railing with his legs hanging over the edge. he blew out the smoke and turned towards me.

"ciao bella." " hey theo what are you doing up." "couldn't sleep." he patted the ground next to him and i walked over to him.

i sat down and swung my legs over the edge looking at the veiw. i turned my head back over to theo who was hitting the bong again. "what about you?" he questioned "same as you cant sleep."

he extended his hand with the bong in it and i took it thinking it would maybe help me sleep. he lit it and then waited a few seconds before removing the almost empty bowl.

i inhaled and then blew out the smoke. i passed theo the bong back and rested my head in my hands. we sat in silence for a bit looking at the stars. i could feel it hitting me now, the relaxation i was so longing for. theo put his bong back into his backpack and moved it to the side.

2:03 am

my head and eyes were starting to get heavier. i leaned my head on theos shoulder and he put his head on mine. he placed his hand on my thigh and started rubbing small circles on it.

"theo?" i almost whispered, he hummed in response. "im tired." "ok ill walk you back to your dorm." "thankyou." i answered groggily.

he picked up his backpack and grabbed my hand pulling me up, after he pulled me up he didnt let go of my hand. instead he held it as he walked me back all the way until we got to my dorm.

he walked in with me and i got back under the covers. "buonanotte principessa." he began to walk away. "theo wait can you stay with me?"

he was taken aback by the request but obliged and got into bed next to me extending his arm so i could rest my head on his chest. he wrapped his arms around my back.

"thankyou theo." i whispered shutting my eyes. "your welcome." "goodnight."

for the first time in days i fell asleep quickly.

a/n: i kinda hate this lol

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