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What would you do if you found out that your actual family, is not your real family at all. That all this time you were just lied to for who you are and where you came from. Only to find out, that your actual family abandoned you, just after you were born. To top it off with finding out, that you also have a younger sister. And who gets everything that you should have gotten from your actual family. It brings up different questions, but also different emotions.

You also start to wonder who you can and cannot trust. But you also start to investigate yourself, to find out exactly how things are. Who is your real family and why does your younger sister get everything. Why didn't they give her up like they did with you. Different questions that only become more, rather than less.

Eventually answers do come, but before that several situations have occurred. Fine, not so fine and situations you would prefer to forget. Which is not surprising, of course, given the overall situation.

This story takes you into Zelena's personal thoughts, emotions. How she went through and processed everything. What no one has been told and what she will probably never tell anyone.

A story, but actually it is a diary. It is written in the I form, to give you a better look into her thoughts and emotions. To bring you closer to and understand Zelena and her story.

It is written as if Zelena wrote this herself, which is why this story is also in the I form. Many other person forms will not appear in it because it is from Zelena's thoughts.

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