Oh no, i forgot my....

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Yes he did .

How could he call my food boring and plain .I went over to him and patted on his shoulder .

"Excuse me ,How the hell did you call my food plain and boring ?Like you just called peri-peri chicken boring.'LIKE PERI -PERI CHICKEN ' and there is nothing like orange juice in this world .Actually this Smokey peri-peri chicken is really BORING.And pressed apple juice .Like seriously pressed apple juice .I hate apples."

After saying all this I took a deep breath.


I was about to complete my sentence when a girl patted on my shoulder.I turned around and saw a girl of nearly my age .She was wearing a grey shirt tucked in and a black pencil skirt with really high heels.Her hair were let down in loose curls .And her brown eyes.I was like completely lost in her eyes ,they were mesmerizing,they were beautiful.I was lost .

Niall snap it out.

"Uh ,sorry but what are you talking about ?" I was really confused.Why was she yelling at me ?After a second or two I realized that she was talking about my comment related to the food.

"Oh ! I am extremely sorry for what I said ,I am actually very possessive about my food and cannot afford it to be exchanged with someone .I am extremely sorry to say that ."

"It's okay,but be a little careful next time before you say something like that ." She said ,she looked a bit calmed down .

"Would you like to sit with me ?"I asked .

Oh god ,what the hell are you asking Niall.

"It's my way to say sorry .Please."I said.

She thought for a minute or two and then sat across me .

Niall and Vanessa began introducing themselves.

"I am Vanessa Alexandra Williams CEO of ' THE WILLIAMS' 'she said.

"Wait .Are you kidding me .You and a CEO that too of ' THE WILLIAMS' '!!!!"He was really surprised .

"Yes ,actually ' THE WILLIAMS' ' is owned by my father George Williams and he handed it over to me .Actually I have an elder brother ,Jake,but he is not really interested in all this and there are many differences between my father and Jake .So......umm ,you get it right?"

"Ya i got it .Maybe."

"So tell me about something about you ."she asked him.

"Oh,I am Niall Horan from One Direction .The pop band ,if you know about it ."Niall said.

"Oh yes that's what I was thinking that where I have seen you."she said.

"So ...Wat do you think about Nando's ? My personal opinion is that Nando's is like heaven ,here I can be myself .Otherwise I am always to maintain that mannerism of being the CEO of ' THE WILLIAMS' ' "

Vanessa said waiting for Niall to reply .

"Same here can't say much about Nando's ,I am speechless." he said.


"So ,why did you take over this responsibility if you weren't ready?"He asked me .

"My mom and dad needed some time together .My dad has built this entire business by working hard for the past 20 years and has brought it to the level where it is .And my mom ,she has spent all these years of her life looking after me ,Charlotte and Jake.They need time together,right ? Now that finally they have time for each other and it is because of me so how can I deny it ? They are happy with each other .And that means a lot to me ."I ended with a feel of satisfaction within.

"You know what ,Niall ,I know that I just met you and I have no idea why am I telling you all of this.I haven't shared these things even with Charlotte .I dont know but I from within I felt like sharing it with you .I hope you are not bored." I said.

"No I am not at all bored .Actually I had a question if you dont mind me asking ?"he asked.

"You can surely ask .What is it ?"

"Who is Charlotte?"he asked.

"Oh,sorry I forgot she is my sister ,she will turn 19 this year.She is the only one to whom I can relate besides my mum in my family."

"Tell me something more about yourself ,your family etc.If you don't mind."I said.

You know from so long it is only me who is talking ,he should also get a chance to talk .Don't you think so?

"Okay then I am 22 years old ,I am from One Direction as i told you and my band mates ,actually they are like my brothers.So my band mates are :Liam Payne,Louis Tomlinson,Harry Styles and Zayn Malik.We work under Syco music label ,which is owned by Simon Cowell.And one most important thing is that I don't like people fidgeting with my food ."He ended.

I laughed on his comment about the food .

I just casually looked at my watch and it was already 2:00.

"Oh god I need to leave ,hope we meet again Niall and it was really nice meeting you ."while saying this I paid my bill and hurried out with mu purse.


Before I could say anything she just went away when I looked at her chair she saw that she had left her coat here.I thought of going behind her but she was already gone.I took the coat with me and left .Hoping to meet her again...


When I reached my office it was almost 2:30 .I freshened up and was now getting ready for the meeting .

"Oh no,I forgot my...."I said this and at the same time Mrs.Thompson entered .

"What is it M'am?' she asked .

"I forgot my ....Forget it ."I said .

"Please let me know what is it ."she pleaded .

"Actually it's that I forgot my coat at Nando's .But forget it tell my driver to get another one from home."I said .

"Anyways are the US clients here ?" I asked .

"No M'am, not yet ,I just wanted to tell you that the concert which we desired to sponsor.The sponsorship for the same has been accepted .They want to have a meeting with you tomorrow ."

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