★⁂𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒⁂★

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*years later.....*


*We are met again in another dark room its only lamination throughout the room is the large window wall that shows the night starry sky, we see a sleeping figure balled up under layers of blankets with its thin black lion-like tail sticking out while swishing back and forth mindlessly, the sleeping figure is found soundly asleep as only the soft hum of the outside is only heard throughout the dark room*

*however that silence would eventually close to an end as the door to the room slides open, as light pours out from the other side a feminine figure is in the door frame as they block out some of the light from outside the room. The figure eventually walks over to the bed where the other person is as they place their hands on a covered lump that they assumed was the person's head, the figure begins to gently wake up the person underneath*

"Mika, it's time to wake up now..."

*said the voice of the figure gently as they brought their face closer to the covered Mika's head. The sleep-driven Mika lets out a tiny muffled groan of annoyance as she's being pulled out of sleep by this person*


*Mika said muffled as her words were slurred by her sleepiness as she pulled harder on her covers to prevent the person from pulling it off of her, however, that seemed to be a slight mistake on her end as the figure suddenly grabbed the blanket as it's immediately pulled off of Mika*


*Mika lets out a yelp from the sudden action but mostly from the coldness in her room as she hugs her legs to her chest as the person starts to walk over to the light switch for the room*

"Why do you have to be so harsh when waking me up Himeko?"

"You make me fearful when you decide to wake me up by yourself"

*Mika whined as she closed her eyes Himeko turned on the lights, and let out a soft laugh as she looked back at Mika who was still on her bed*

"Well, it worked now did it?"

"Besides I need you for something that requires you to be awake"

*Himeko told Mika as she crossed her arms as she leans on the wall behind her. Mika squints against the sudden brightness, grumbling about the abrupt awakening. As her eyes adjust, she shoots an annoyed glare at Himeko*

"What could be so important that it requires dragging me out of my warm cocoon?"

*Mika asks, shivering a bit from the chill in the now well-lit room*

"Ah, I see we have a grumpy sleeper on the Train today. You seem to already be in a bad mood"

*Himeko chuckles as she turns her attention back to Mika* 

"I only woke you up so that I could inform you that there has been a sudden change of plans"

*Mika opens her eyes fully now getting fully adjusted to the now lit-up room, she hangs her legs off her bed as her lower half is still covered by the blanket*

"What's the sudden change?"

"Weren't we just going to drop off some items for Herta's hoarding collection on her space station? What changed now?"

*Mika asked her as she stretched her limbs a little. Himeko sighs, a hint of seriousness in her expression*

"Well, it turns out Herta's collection has attracted some attention and not the friendly kind. We need to divert our plans and head to the rendezvous point sooner than expected. There might be some complications on the way, so gear up and meet me at the Space Station in twenty minutes"

*Mika's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she absorbs the information, realizing the routine mission has taken an unexpected turn*

*Mika sighs to herself slightly, realizing that their mission has been changed at the last minute, which means they'll have to prepare quickly* 

"I'll be there in twenty minutes. Don't go without me."

*She says to Himeko with a tired look in her eyes still before quickly getting up from the bed and gathering her things.*


*after a short while, Mika arrives finally at Herta's Space Station. She and Himeko separated to cover ground and such to find anyone alive and well. Mika had seemed to be walking around for a good long while as she passed by some carnage from what she'd been told was from the Anit-Matter legion's minions*

*"I wonder if those two are doing alright on their end.."*

*Mika moves cautiously through the aftermath, her senses heightened as she scans for any signs of life. The eerie silence is disrupted only by occasional creaks and distant echoes. As she navigates the debris, she spots a flicker of movement behind a wall still standing*

*Drawing her weapon, Mika approaches with caution, ready for whatever awaits her. The tension in the air is palpable as she braces herself for the unknown*

*as Mika rounds the corner she hears them...*

"...so that's where the Stellaron is?"

*said a familiar voice as they seemed to be asking another figure, Mika hid behind a wall as she listened closely*

"That's where we can find where the Stellaron is"

*said a monotone voice answering. Mika silently cursed to herself as her suspicions on who's voices belonged to were right as she tightened her grip on her great sword*

*"Great, out of everyone to run into here it just had to be them"*

*Mika thought to herself as she slowly moved back putting away her weapon*

*"I'll try and find another way to get by them, Despite it being years now I doubt they would be happy to see-"*

"Well long time no see Traitor"


...To be Continued...

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