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Kazuhas Pov:



I whispered sliding down a table while avoiding bullets going my way.

I threw him a gun under the table and it skidded over to his shoes.

He gave me a thumbs up and picked it up.

"Just in case!"
I whispered.

He nodded.

A guy from behind me said.

"Oh f-"

I quickly ducked and threw the man across the table.

He coughed up some blood.

A guy said.

"Who me?"
I said pointing at myself.

"Nah, the goddamn fucking TABLE!? WHAT DO YOU THINK!?"

O- He's a rather angry one.

"My apologies, now.. what do you want."

"Put your hands up"


"What else!? To kill you."

Straightforward indeed.

I sighed and took a step back. He has no weapons on him.

I tilted my head.

"How are you going to fight..?"

"With my fists.."
He said.

"Mm..? Oh...Well then.."

I pulled out the gun from my pocket and pointed it at him.

"I am capable enough to kill you with my finger if I pull this trigger you know."

"Oh? You think you're the only one? Well I think..."

He pulled out another gun from his pocket and pointed it at me.

"-i have the power to kill you with a single flick of my finger.."


I shouldve known...and I thought he was dumb...

"Not if I kill you first "

I looked up and Scara was right behind the guy with a gun pointing right at his head.

The man froze.

"Drop it. The gun. Drop it."
He demanded.

"I-i please..i-"

Scara sighed.

"God you're annoying.."


He pulled the trigger.


The bullet hit the man's head and he dropped to the ground instantly.


I sighed.

"Scara...Well done but...that was reckless..we could've used the man for intel..."


"Kazuhas right...we need to know alot of stuff still.."
Venti said.

"He pisses me off"

"I mean...who knows? Maybe Kazuha would've died.."
Aether said.

Scara agreed.

Venti muttered.

『A Blessing Even A Puppet Would Ask For』حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن