the funeral.

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This is it, i guess.

The last person i loved has left this world. The only one i felt i could truly trust, ripped away from me just a week ago.

What do i do with myself in this moment? Standing alone in the corner as everyone who knew my mother parties and celebrates her life, watching. Knowing none of them cared enough. Knowing no one there cares still. Its like my heart is being torn apart with every sound of happiness they make.

Soon after i left the afterparty, i threw the remainder of my beer into a bin, and walked home in my suit, in the rain. Pondering what to do now.

My whole life ive been living with my mother, no one else wanted me, or her, so we stuck together. But now, we are realms apart and i feel like im drowning.

As i slowly creep up the stairs to my house, i hesitate. Knowing behind that very door is a dark, lonely house. I cant hold back my tears much longer.

Before i know it im leaned up against the door, kneeling and sobbing, asking the world why they took the one thing that made me happy out of my life. The only person that made me feel safe.

Eventually i toughen up and enter my house, astounded to see that all the lights are on.

Strange, i turned them off before i left over 3 hours ago?

I grab the closest object towards me incase of an intruder, and i shout into the house,


The ringing in my ears grows louder and louder, and i suddenly feel nauseous.

Something is wrong.

Before i know it ive lost conciousness.


Suddenly my eyes flicker open, and i notice im spewed out across the floor.

I must have fainted due to anxiety or something.

I get up and brush myself off, straightening creases with my hands.

Then i notice something.

The lights are now completely turned off, except for the dim light of my tv in the living room, and the sound of static.

I grab my umbrella, for protection, and slowly creep into the living room.

No one is there. But the tv is on, and flickering static on the screen.

I analyse my surroundings, and notice something that makes my skin crawl.

A giant, red sigil has been painted on my wall. My pictures that used to take refuge there, are smashed on the ground.

Great. First my mum dies, and now theres a cult member in my house. Just wonderful.

I turn all the lights on and slowly walk upstairs, umbrella in hand. Ready to defend myself.

When i get upstairs and see no one is there, i sit on my bed and think about what on earth is going on.

Maybe greif is sending me haywire, maybe i could...sleep.... it off.

Sounds like a plan to me, so i crawl under the covers of my bed and lay down, praying that i feel somewhat better in the morning, and my mental health doesnt get bad again.

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