real world ships (sunny gang mostly)

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sorry if i dont like a ship you like or like a ship you dont like (unless its a pr*ship) also i may forget some people mb

SUNNY X KEL - 1!!!1!!1!!1! when i die and if they become canon watch me R I S E from the grave
SUNNY X BASIL - kinda like it, not to sure..... :|
SUNNY X AUBREY - love-hate relationship, but i like it for the most part
SUNNY X HERO - i hope you step on a lego and stub your toe
SUNNY X MARI - hell is a hot place and you have a first class ticket<3
SUNNY X OMORI - i hope the next time you drink your water with ice you choke on it
SUNNY X ANY HOOLIGAN - no. just- no. like- why

BASIL X AUBREY -, hell no.
BASIL X MARI - the sun is hot but hell is hotter<3
BASIL X HERO - im calling the cops
BASIL X ANY HOOLIGAN - what?????????? like, what??????? no
BASIL X KEL - i dont ship but so far its the only good one out of the ones i listed

AUBREY X KIM - can we be friends
AUBREY X MARI - the door is over there, not to my room but the door to hell<3
AUBREY X HERO - stay 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 feet away from me
AUBREY X KEL - its okay, kinda like it but not much....

KEL X MINCY - i dont ship but i think its really cute:]
KEL X MARI - im gonna call someone and you know who its gonna be? the police.

HERO X MARI - i fucking love this ship sm
HERO X DAPHINE - erm........ idk but whatever floats your boat
HERO X SOMETHING - i see this more as a joke ship

im not gonna do mari because i cant think of ships i havent mentioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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