I walked out the doors. My last Overlord meeting done. I called Razzle and Dazzle to pack up their and my bags while I slid in the car scrolling through Voxagram while a message from my younger sister Charlie popped up.


Charlie: Hey sis! Don't know if your done or not but I really want you to come home and help me out. I have a interview for my passion project, on the 666 news.

Ava: I am coming home, may you tell what your passion project is? What's its called?

Charlie: Oh...um...its called Happy Hotel it rehabilitees Demons and make them better. I know deep down it will work!

Ava: That's a splendid idea! What did Mom and Dad say?

Charlie: Mom is supporting me. Dad...he says it won't work.

Ava: Ignore him! You have me! I will see you in a couple of hours. Ok?

Charlie: Ok sis! See ya soon!


I smile and put my phone away. Razzle and Dazzle hop in with all the bags. I make sure we have everything before turning to the driver " To the Happy Hotel!" 


Charlie's POV

I turn to Vaggie really happy. "  Ava is coming home! " She smiles. " Yeah the plan you made to rehabilitees Demons weren't good. I am glad she is coming so she can help you fix it!" 

Angeldust walks in " Who the hell is Ava? Is she your new girlfriend or something?" Vaggie glares at him " Fuck you Angel. She is Charlies older sister! The first female Overlord!" Angel looked confused " The what now? Sorry not big on politics"

Vaggie sighed and lunched in the story...I mean it was fun hearing Story Time with Vaggie. OHH! That should be an everyday activity! Vaggie would love it! Back to Vaggie and Angel!

" Centuries ago Ava, AKA Avalon was a normal powerless demon. nobody really understood why the first daughter of Lucifer would be so weak.  They mad fun of her until one day she snapped. Everybody watched with terror as they watch Avalon harnessed the power of Fire. She couldn't  control it. And doubled killed millions sending them all to Double Hell. The power she harnessed was to much for her. She fell into deep coma for days and she woke up the day Charlie was born. Lucifer was shocked. But he still gave her the title of the first female Over lord. And sinners also started calling her the Fire Demon. That's her story." 

For the first time ever, Angel was looking shocked and interested. 

" Vaggie, dear. That was an amazing way you told my story. Shocks you all right???"

I slowly turned around and found myself flying across the room and into someone's arms. Knocking them over, but I didn't care.


A Story Of Two Demons ( Alastor x FemOc )Where stories live. Discover now