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I stumbled into the house drunk !! What started out as two shots turned into 10 !!
I kicked off my shoes and threw my purse down ,my head was spinning . I tried to tip toe my way upstairs , not wanting Candace to hear me . The last thing I needed was for her to nag me while I was drunk out of my mind.

Once I reached it to my room , I took off all of my clothes and went into my personal bathroom taking a much needed shower . I let the water fall all over me getting the alcohol smell off of me .

After my shower I brushed my teeth to get the smell off my breath . I did not want Candace tripping on me in the morning .
Shortly after I got in my Queen sized bed drifting off to sleep .

I woke up to a cold substance on me . At first I thought I was dreaming until I opened my eyes to Candace standing over me with a bucket smirking . I threw the covers off of me jumping up .

"WTF !?" I yelled looking at her crazy .

She stared at me with the same smirk on her face unfazed .

"You need to pack your shit up , I told you last week If you came in here passed curfew and drunk your out !"

I rolled my eyes , " I am 18 years old & you're not my mother !!!"

" Oh you think it's bad living here try going to stay with grandma then , but you won't keep disrespecting my home I have a 5 year old daughter who lives here ."

I sighed annoyed , the last place I was staying was my Grandmother's house .

"Look Candace I'm sorry !! I have a lot going on right now , just give me one more chance !"

She sighed calming down a little bit "This is your LAST chance Victoria , drinking your problems away isn't the way to go .. you have to find something better to do when you're feeling stressed !!

"Okay I get it , I'll work on it !!"

She looked at me before speaking .. " Dad would be disappointed you know ."

I looked at her like she was crazy " Fuck him !!"

Before she could say anything else I cut her off " I have a lot to do today and I need to get ready , I won't come in drunk anymore or break curfew ."

She smiled at me and gave me a hug before walking out .

I hated talking about my dad , he was where he deserved to be , he was the reason shit was the way it was now ."


"I'm leaving , I'll be back before curfew ." I heard Victoria say before the front door closed.

I finished up my famous breakfast that Thomas and Essence both loved . French Toast , Creamy Grits , Bacon & Eggs !!

I turned the burners on low and started making all of our plates . Thomas came down with Essence in his arms fully dressed .

He walked over to me kissing me on the lips and sitting Essence in her chair . I placed all of our plates down and we dug in .

"So what are your plans for today ?" I looked over at Thomas .

" I actually have to fly down to New York today and check on my mom , but I'm flying back down here tonight !!"

I rolled my eyes , "yea ok !!"

Thomas had been making lots of trips to New York lately , and always waited until the last minute to let me know . It was almost like he was hiding something.

After we finished eating Thomas was on his way out the door leaving me and Essence to ourselves .

I decided not to worry If there was something he was hiding it would just have to come to me .


Candace in the MM

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