Chapter 1

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'From the moon goddess herself, she gave us wolves a gift...not just life but true love...she gave us the gift of a soul mate. From the time you are on planet earth, you are destined to be with someone that is already connected to you...within time, that soul will  re-appear..."

"I will never understand why you don't test the waters, Tay." My friend, Macy, stated as we walked down the street. I let out a huff and a soft smile, unfortunately, she was human and I was not...she would never experience the wait for a soulmate as werewolves do.

"It's just no one caught my eye" I replied with a shrug of my shoulders, it was true, hardly anyone in the pack ever sparked interest to me well unless we are talking about the alpha's son, Owen. We use to be best of friends. With both of our fathers working together as Alpha and Beta in the pack, it created a lot of time for us to play together and go on 'pup adventures' as my mom would call it but once we grew up, we were different.

"But still! Maybe me and you can go clubbing this weekend!" Macy squealed, her brown eyes were bright with excitement as she turned to me. "There is a joint called 'Sterling Elite' a couple of cities over"

Sterling Elite. It was owned by a major pack called 'Cloudless Skies' and was welcome to any and all packs and humans but comes with a price and that price was a drop of blood...well for the wolf individuals. It's suppose to signify a gift to the alpha and their family, odd but I personally am curious.

"Maybe" I replied with a thoughtful expression, this thankfully pleased Macy as she let out a girlish squeal and hugged onto my arm.

"EEEE!! Great!! I will pick you up at 7 on Saturday!"She basically screeched and began to sprint towards her house that we magically appeared at, I watched her with a light chuckle. Once she disappeared into her home, I began to sprint myself to a near forest line and took cover in a shrub of bushes.

I opened my back pack and began to strip all my clothing off, once I was purely naked, I shoved my clothes into the backpack and began to shift.

My fur soon began to sprout and bones began to shrink and pop out of places, it use to be so painful but thankfully, I got use to now to the dull pain. Finally! I was in my wolf form, I picked up the bag with my mouth and made my way towards my house until I was tackled by two familiar wolves. A small wolf with grey and black speckled fur and the other one with sandy colored fur that definitely towered over me and the other two brothers, Jake and Liam.

I let a deep growl out of my chest as I felt two heavy bodies on me, the other two replied with playful yips.

"Oh, cmon! You have to be more aware of your surroundings in the woods!!" Liam mentally exclaimed, nearly screaming in mind link as Jake hummed in response. Liam was the oldest sibling and Jake was the youngest sibling and seemed to follow into Liam's footsteps as the annoying soon-to-be beta....and leaving me in the middle of this idiot sandwich.

"I just now shifted." I stated bluntly as I manage to get on all four paws and shake the two off me, my grey fur shook out the dirt that I gained with the help from my two brothers.

"Well let's go! Mom said the Browns are joining us!" Jake yipped out, his fur was already dirty from his tag along patrol.

"You mean the alpha family? Remember respect." Liam sternly corrected him, his sandy wolf head turned to Jake.

"Anyways, let's just head on home then...this means mom is making that pot roast!" I exclaimed, breaking the awkward tension, I retrieved the bag in my mouth and ran, leaving the two idiots behind.

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