Chapter 6, Julian...

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The teacher told me I had to tutor a kid. She didn't tell me who, though. She just gave me a link to this person's grades. I tried to protest but they didn't listen. I groaned and walked out.

Thursday came by quicker than I thought. My friend invited me to the football game tonight, and since I'm already going to skip the therapist, I might as well go to that too.

I sat in the library after school, waiting for this anonymous person. There were some kids there too, for the same reason I'm here: Tutoring. I type the link they gave me on a piece of paper to the computer and move my pink to press enter. When I do, my heart drops.

Mark Adrian Daniels. Oh, hell no... First, I have to sit next to him in science, and then I have to do a project with him, and now I have to fucking tutor him. Why, God, why? He's already involved in a lot of things in my life, and you just add on to it. Feeding to the flame that already burned down the whole forest.

I've already spoken to him too much this week. Right as I process having to tutor Mark, the library doors open. And there he is. In his letterman jacket. With the school mascot patched onto it, and everything. Mark scanned the area until his eyes landed on me. He looked pleading like he was hoping I wasn't his tutor. I just sigh and nod and he groans.

He walks over and sits across from me. Glaring at me.

"I'm just as disappointed as you are. Let's just get this over with." I say as I get my notebook out.

"Whatever." He says, taking out his notebook and looking at me, expecting me to give him the next direction.

"Get a pencil." I speak.

"I don't have one" He answers quickly.

"Christ, Mark. Here," I slide my pencil across the table to him "I've got a spare either way."

I start to dig into my backpack. He looks down at the pencil and has a skeptical look.

"You sure this pencil doesn't have any diseases?" He looks at me. I kick his leg from under the table.

He winces, "Ow!" He kicked back.

"Ow!" I speak. I kick again and we start kicking each other's legs. It wasn't until I noticed everyone looking that I stopped.

"Asshole." I grumble as I grab the pencil that was at the bottom of my backpack and begin looking at his grades.

Science: 67

Honors Social Studies: 59

Math: 60

Art: 80

Reading: 70

Writing: 61

French: 40

Theater: 83

Athletics: 100

"Shut up, loser." Mark spat back. I looked at him, with my jaw open.

"Your grades are embarrassing. You're lucky your even eligible to play" I chuckle.

"Oh, shut up and teach, nerd" Mark rolled his eyes.

. . .

After we got done, Mark seemed good after I showed him all the basics he needed. Hopefully, he will come back next week with better grades. Because when he does, we don't have to see each other ever again... Well, after school.

I meet up with Melissa for the game and we both walk in. She paid for the both of us and we found a spot on the steel bleachers and waited on our other friends. Angie and Jonah show up and we all huddle in the very top corner. Me and Melissa were sitting shoulder to shoulder, and Jonah and Angie were beside us. We were all talking and laughing.

I kind of got suspicious of Melissa since she was talking about Adam too much. When the game finally starts, the bleachers are full. Of parents supporting their sons. And daughters who were cheerleading. And of students here to either, hang out, or watch the game.

I was bored before the first play even started. I was only there to support Adam and hang out with Melissa, Angie, and Jonah.

It was the third quarter when Mark was tackled and hurt his leg. He was on the floor, groaning in pain. People gathered around him, and I shot up in my seat to see. They tried to move it but he groaned louder. Wincing at the pain. Soon, the paramedics came and took him away. To the hospital I suppose...

It wasn't until he was out of sight that I realized... Why I was worried for Mark Daniels?

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