Best Friends vs Acclaimed

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Sting and Jericho won AEW Tag Team Championship and lost, Sting and Flair joined backstage, Darby Allen got injured and Chris Jericho got Danhausen, Cassidy and Best Friends on his aide now, Jericho and Best Friends defeated Don Callas Family and house of Black, Paul Wright became a backstage worker too, Kota Ibushi is in NJPW again, Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy defeated Champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks, FTR, Acclaimed, Adam Cole and MJ, Young Bucks and Devils Masks in a Tag Team Battle Royal with Hardy Boyz now with Lita coming down the ring as Broken Hardyz (Broken Matt, Brother Nero, Broken Lita) and attacked Best Friends, Broken Hardyz as Hardy Boyz defeated Bucks, GOD and Best Friends to win IWGP and AEW Tag Team Championships and entered Blind Eliminator Tag Team Tournament. 

Best of 16 - 

Best Friends (Jericho/Cassidy) defeated Big Bill/Ricky Starks 

FTR defeated Acclaimed 

House of Black (Brody/Black) defeated Mogul Embassy (Cage/Liona) 

Adam Cole/MJF defeated Devils Masked Men 

Nick Wayne/Killswitch defeated Tama Tonga/Tangua Loa

Evil Uno/John Silver defeated Hobbs/Kyle 

Hook/Shibata defeated Sammy Guevara/Daniel Garcia 

Hardy Boyz defeated Kingdom 

Best of 8 -

Best Friends defeated FTR 

Adam Cole/MJF defeated House of Black 

Dark Order defeated Patriarchy 

Hardy Boyz defeated Hook/Shibata 

Best of 4 -

Adam Cole/MJF defeated Best Friends 

Hardy Boyz defeated Dark Order 

Finals -

Hardy Boyz defeated MJF/Adam Cole

Hardy Boyz as Broken Hardyz defeated Dark Order, Big Bill and Starks, Young Bucks, GOD, FTR, Acclaimed, Gates of Agony, Copeland and Cage as well as House of Black in a Tag Team Battle Royal, Hardy Boyz and Shane Helms won Trios Tournament and Championship, Baretta and Jericho defeated Hardy Boyz but lost the title back, Hardy Boyz and Helms with Lita won IWGP Trio Championship but lost AEW Trio Championship to Hung Bucks, but Adam Page broke his ankle and vacated. 

Best Friends defeated Other Teams to win the championship as Jericho, Baretta and Danhausen won the Gold, Cassidy retained International Championship and Kris became Women's Champion successfully, Jericho defeated Joe, MJF and Cole to become World Champion too, MJF went for Movies and took a short leave, Joe helped backstage and now Jericho was there as Kenny Omega was gone for a long time, Don Callas Family began becoming fan favorites and now, Acclaimed (Billy Gunn, Max Castor and Anthony Bowens) attacked Best Friends and began beating them up, teaming with Bullet Club Gold, Jay White defeated Chris Jericho and won Heavyweight Championship, Juice Robinson defeated Orange Cassidy, Gunn Club (Billy, Austin and Colten) won Trio Championship and Acclaimed won Tag Team Championship but suffered injuries as Broken Hardyz reclaimed World Tag Team Gold of Both AEW and ROH, Jeff Hardy won TNT Championship, Matt Hardy became International Champion, Matt also won Heavyweight Championship of AEW and Jeff got ROH Championship and Pure Championship and helped Shane Helms win ROH Television Championship as well as Strong Openweight Championship and TNA Heavyweight Championship, Jeff also won X Division Championship losing back to Chris Sabin. 

Team Extreme (Amy Dumas, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Shane Helms), Christian Cage and Adam Copeland defeated Best Friends (Chris Jericho, Danhausen, Orange Cassidy, Trent Baretta, Kris Statlander) and MJF in a 6 vs 6 Hardcore Match, afterwards Hardy Boyz and Shane Helms vacated and began training people for Professional Wrestling and Matt went to running his own promotion, Jeff Hardy joined All Japan Professional Wrestling and Matt and Shane joined NOAH, Amy Dumas joined NJPW as a backstage worker. 

Acclaimed and GUNN Club lost to Best Friends, Bowens and Castor and Gunn went to ROH later and BCG came back to activity later onwards, Don Callas Family reignited the feud for Trios and International Championship, Don Callas shook hands with Chris Jericho and send regards to Kenny Omega later. 

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