Chapter five: MY LOVE

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I kiss Gem, her lips taste like the sweetest thing on earth. I sigh as she deepens the kiss. I pull her down so we lay on the ground, I don't care if anyone sees us. I know I have to have her in every way.

"Will you let me, have you in every way?" I whisper in her ear. she shivers at my voice.

"Yes!" She says.

I lay on her and steal a kiss, The sun shines brightly on us and I feel complete bliss. I've never known just how strong the mate bond is, until now that is.

********************* 2 hour late***************

"Gem, you ok?" I ask, my heart is still beating hard.

"Yes, thank you. I never knew how much love my mate would have for me" She giggles.

"I've got a lot more up my sleeve, I hope I can show you for the rest of our lives together" I say, the love in my heart threatens to tear me apart.

"I think we should get out of here, I'm not bothered with them following us but I want to go see our pack" I say.

"Ours?" She asks.

"yes your my mate, I'm the alpha of them so are you because you are my mate" I reply.

I jump up and hold out my hand, Gem takes it and I help her up. I pull her close and fix her shirt which had ridden up during our time. She giggle and plants a swift kiss on my cheek.

I wrap my arm around her and we walk out into the fields once more. The rain storm I sensed early decides to make itself known to the rest of the world and I pull my coat off.

"Here" I say as I pull the coat around Gem.

"Won't you be cold?" She asks.

"No with you around" I say, I know it's cheesy but she smiles and that good enough for me.

We walk for ages, my wound throb but I ignore it. The rain continues to pour and we are both soaked to the bone. Gem shivers and I pull her closer.

I sense an attack before I hear it, I growl and push Gem behind me. She grabs my back and I wait for them to appear.

"it's over Toby give up" Someone says.

"never!" I growl in reply.

The man steps out and five others follow his lead. Damn I think, I know I can't take them all out but I'm going to try.

"Gem stay behind me" I say as I leap at the leader, he pulls out a teaser gun and luckily it misses me.

I duck under his punch then answer with one of my own. he goes flying and the others attack. I growl and duck, I spin and knock the legs of one man, he falls and brings another down with him. I end his life faster then Jet himself.

I tackle one man around his waist and we fall to the floor, I hear a gun shot. I glance at Gem, she's fighting one of the smaller males.I grab the man's head and with a sharp turn his body becomes still.

"Come on Gem" I yell.

We run for hours, I know we are near the safe house but I'm not sure just how far it is. The sun sets and the world becomes dark. I glance around us, I see a barn. I pull Gem in with me and we collapse on the floor.

"You ok?" I ask her, we've been on the run for days. maybe even weeks, just running.

"I don't feel too good" She says. I study her, her face is deadly pale and her eyes have circles around them.

"Let's get some slee--" I'm cut off when she jumps up and runs to the door.

I jump up after her, she vomits up nothing because we've had no food. I pull her hair back as she dry heaves. She leans into me and I close my eyes.

"Toby you know when we were in the field and stuff" She says shyly.

"yeah, how could I forget" I reply, unsure where this is going.

"Well, I'm supposed to be on my yano" She says.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I ask stunned.

"I think I'm pregnant" She whispers.

I jump, I pick her up and swing her around, my heart is about to burst. We've made a life I think to myself


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Love and peace

Cruel Grace (#5 Final in the Golden series)Where stories live. Discover now