9. Kyra Mae Palmer-Shipman

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Downstairs mere minutes later, Lottie and Skylar are getting cleaned up and fixed by Misty.

The cut being deeper than before, it required stitches. Lottie already cleaned up not needing anything bar cleaning and disinfecting went into the Cabin and fell asleep straight away, Skylar needed more work.

Misty walking back to the outside shed, holding dental floss and a needle in her hand.

"This might hurt" Misty apologetically smiles.

The she start sewing her skin together.

A painfully scream ripped though her throat

Back inside.

Screams can be heard coming from outside. Everyone's stomachs dropped hearing them.

"Holy fuck" Mari whispers the screams getting louder."I'm going to be sick" Jackie said out loud hearing Skylar's painful cries.

Laura Lee sat up, look at Skylar's usual bed. "What even happened up there" she asked. no one answered "Do we think it's still up there?" Akilah asks the group

Taissa sat straight up "You all need to stop, theres nothing up there. "Lottie as been acting weird for weeks" Shauna sat up defending her sister, "Well explain Skylar, she's been completely normal, before going up there"

More screaming

"You're sister said and I quote 'She's in me' is that not fucking weird, plus she said she saw something" Tai explained

"She's right, plus she heard whispering coming form upstairs, and no one else heard it, except Lottie. And this morning when I was getting the water, Both her and Lottie where standing waist deep in the lake just staring out, in their pjs" Jackie informed the girls about this morning.

"It's probably because she died and came back" Mari theorised "She's seeing shit since she literally died for 3 minutes, there's no way she would be normal after that"

The screams stopped

Tai nodded "exactly, theres an explication for everything" grabbing her stuff she stood up "Are you going to sleep up there?" Akilah asked "That's right, who's with me" no one moved "fine more room for me then" a few seconds later, Shauna follows.


A minute past and all the girls laid wide awake, before they hear the doors open, Misty walks in followed by Skylar. Who's now patched up, a large fabric Bandaid, the last one they had. Her eyes red and puffy. All the girls tired to secretly look at her, she tried to hide the bandage with her hair.

She could fee their stares. so walking to her usual sleeping spot besides Laura Lee, the girls grabbed her stuff and started to walk to the back bedroom

"Where are you going" Laura Lee asked, the first one to speak. the girl couldn't speak, she wanted to but she couldn't, she had ran out of her pain medication weeks ago and now because of the stitching could barely move her mouth.

So she walked off, into the back room. the bed had been moved to the front for coach, the room now empty.

Rolling out her sleeping mat, she folded her blankets using them as a mattress she, fluffing her pillow the girl lays down on her good side staring straight at a wall. the door was open 3 inches, Skylar didn't want to be totally isolated but still couldn't look at their faces.

3 minutes had past yet she wouldn't sleep. hearing footsteps and the door creaking open she slowly raised, hoping it was Laura Lee instead it was Van.

"Mind if i crash here" Van asked pointing to the space next to Skylar, who didn't say or do anything.

"I promise I don't think your crazy" she spoke softly, "Are you going to speak or?" The girl shook her head and pointed to her cheek "Oh shit right" Van nodded.

"You know, I thought you looked hot with a black eye, but face scars are way hotter" she flirted. a really soft smile formed on Skylar's lips. 

The girl laid on her back holding her teddy bear in her hands. Van finished setting up her bed pointed out the bear "It that our baby from that parenting class?" 

Skylar Nodded, facing the bear to Van. "What did we name them" she asked, Skylar shook her head, Sitting up, "We didn't?" Van questioned, Skylar turned the bear around holding the Tag it says 

Name: _________

But it was blank, "I guess we should name them" Van nodded "Ill be back" Van gets up, quickly running out the room, but was back in 20 seconds "Got it" she said wiggling the pen in her hand, and a small piece of paper in the other. 

"Ok we are going to write some names on this paper, and we can decide like that, Ok?" Van said sitting down next to the girl. 

They both took turns writing some names on there, after 2 minutes they had 6 Names:

Skylar's names:

- Jordan

- Mae

- Charlie

Van's names :

- Kyra

- Riley

- Cameron 

"Okay, these are some good names" Van said looking over the list. "Now, you can cross one name out then I will and we do that till there are two names left" Skylar nodded and reached for the pen. 

Looking over the names she crossed out a name, Van scoffing "Oh come one, that was my favourite" she said jaw dropped. "Fine then" she said crossing out one of Skylar's names, they went back and fourth for a minute until there was only two names left. 

Skylar's name:

- Mae

Van's name:

- Kyra

"Alright, this is tough, I can't pick,  you pick" Van said handing the paper to Skylar, she held the pen to her chin for a moment. Her face lights up then she wrote something on the paper before turning it to Face Van. 

Kyra Mae Palmer-Shipman

"Now that is a nice sounding name" Van smiles, Skylar nods as she writes Kyra Mae on the tag.

Van let out a big yawn "Alright bed time" Van laughs before both girls lay down. 

"Night Shipman" Van yawned, before both girls drift off into a sleep. 


actual parents man I LOVE THEM

anyways I'm ending this chapter short since i wanted to end it with this cute moment before everything turns to shit.

once again please vote if you can. it would mean so much :)

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