Yess to Err is Human, So Don't Be One!

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Edgar thought she was normal. Well, at least a little normal. Sure, she didn't have any idea what personal space meant, and sure, she would obsess over literally everyone who entered the Gift Shop, but at the end of the day, she never intended to stalk someone. Until today.

That fateful day, when Edgar had a brawl to do, he never knew that he would be paired with his co-worker, Colette, of all people. She seemed at least a little dazed when she found out who her partner was. She hadn't known that her co-worker was interested in taking part in these battles. She thought he was your typical emo; quiet and depressed. But to risk your life fighting over purple gems in the mine? It may as well be called a death wish. She kept asking him questions during the battle, questions like where he lived, what time he got home after work, if he had any guns, but Edgar didn't think too much of it. After all, he knew Colette wasn't going to kill him, right?

The next morning, after the brawl, Edgar woke up, his body beaten up and bruised after the fight. Scratches and bites from a stupid mutt, purple eyes after being punched by a wrestler, and burns from a fire. Edgar got up from his bed and winced in pain, then twisted his body over to the window located beside his black bed.

The world around him was bright and colorful outside (well, what was inside the park, at least), unlike Edgar's room, which was basically painted with My Chemical Romance posters all over the walls. And the peaceful sounds from outside were much different in contrast to Edgar's emo Spotify playlist. Opening his bedroom door now, he slumped toward the kitchen and placed two slices of bread in the toaster. Despite the fact that he had previously peeked outside the window in his bedroom, he decided to look outside the kitchen window for a different view, perhaps to see if anything interesting was happening, but what he saw definitely surprised him. Outside, right on his front lawn, sitting underneath a tree, was his co-worker, Colette, with a pair of binoculars, staring into his house.

Her white hair did not match the greeny-green grass, and her sharp teeth were instantly recognizable to Edgar, as though they were a familiar friend. Why was she watching him from the window? Why didn't she ask to come into his home like a normal person? Edgar had no clue. Maybe she was shy, sorta like him. But this wasn't like her.

Despite the fact that he was being watched by his obsessive co-worker, Edgar continued on with his day. He ate his toast, watched TV, took a shower, cried in his bed for four hours because of the unbearable pain, try to commit suicide because of said pain with a noose, give up on the suicide attempt because he was too scared to die and eat ice cream from the tub for dinner. And after all of that, Colette was still peering into his living room, with a little picnic basket sitting beside her. This was starting to scare the emo boy, seeing her looking into his small home for no apparent reason. But it didn't seem like she wanted to come inside, right? Edgar was wrong.

It was one AM. Edgar was having a hard time sleeping, the pain in his ribcage was intolerable, and was distracting him from gaining a good night's rest.

The sound of glass shattering from his living room startled the teenager awake, which, in a flight-or-fight reaction, stood up and ran over to his bedroom door and locked it. He then ran over to his dresser where his dad's pistol was located and grabbed it, and then retreated to his closet. Maybe whoever was inside his house was just going to take his prized possessions. Edgar didn't realize it at the time, but he didn't want to die. He wanted to live.

He heard the sound of his bedroom door being chopped and ripped apart, and he realized that whoever was in his house wasn't here to steal; they were here to kill. Whoever was coming into his room was looking for revenge, most likely. Edgar started listing off possible suspects. There was Griff, the greedy manager of the Gift Shop. But why would he want to kill his own employee? Maybe Chester was pulling a prank on him, a rather nasty prank that involved cutting through his door in an attempt to scare him, but the real scary part was the charges of vandalism he'd face and a weekend in jail. Just when he was about to think about a different suspect, Edgar heard a scratchy voice behind his door. The voice of his killer.

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