Usually but I'd never wish death apon anyone but bru delete this shi 😭💀

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Nothing, just like the past three months. You scavenged for food in your humble abode, but alas, you find nothing. You sit down on your couch, pick up the remote, and just..... stare? You're hungry. The remote looks so scrumptious in your pale and shaking hand. Of course, you don't devour the remote then and there, as you wouldn't be able to change the TV! You turn on the TV and are met with the glorious, respectable, 100% "non-biased" local news!

TV: "It has been about three months since the quarantine. Those who have or are suspected to have the parasites are held in this apartment complex. Of course, they are taken care of, as the wardens, paramedics, and chefs guarantee their wellbeing. Please ignore the calls from your loved ones, friends, or family, as they do not need food, water, medical supplies, or other necessities. That's all for now, have a good day."
*This deceitful bullshit is then followed by other nonsense that doesn't matter to you*

Just as you were sulking in your own sadness and hunger, your upstairs neighbor begins playing that strange music again.
Trying to avoid that awful noise, you walk to your room and smother yourself in pillows.


........You'd like to think it didn't scare you, but you then would be lying to yourself. The bang is followed by a muffled speech that you can't make out. Not that you care, of course, as the wardens wouldn't do anything about your noise complaint. You go to the balcony and outsider making a robe out of your blankets to climb down, but the idea is shot down quicker than you would going through with that plan.

You hear footsteps above you, as you go to look, you see a relatively tall man with green eyes and fluffy hair (?), along with a smaller woman with purple eyes. The purple eyed woman is holding a plank and lays it across the balcony.

Y/N's thoughts: "Damn, this shitty place drove them to robbery, oh well." Great input, Y/N. You head back inside and attempt to go to sleep. You succeed.

Tomorrow is another day.

The morning sun shines into your room.... not. You get up and do nothing productive. Lazy ass. You decide to take a tiny nap.

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