New Student

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It is two weeks into UA and Class 1a is going on like normal until Aizawa gets their attention.

Aizawa: Shut up problem children!

Class 1a shuts up.

Aizawa: We're having a new student fro-

Iida:Mr. Aizawa why do we have to get a new student even though it is already two months into the school year?

Aizawa: I was just about to explain.

Iida: Sorry... *sat down*

Aizawa: *clears throat* As I was saying... we are having a new student here because they had originally applied to UA but due to distance from here to America they were not able to hear from us on time. As soon as they contacted Nezu he was able to pull a few strings to get her here.

There is a knock on the door

Aizawa: Come in.

The door opens and a girl in the UA uniform steps in wearing a mask

???: Hey sorry I'm late. Traffic was kinda rough.

Aizawa: Just don't let this be a reoccurring thing.

???: Yes sir.

Bakugo: Who the hell are you?!

???: I'm Gianna

Ojirou: Why do you have a mask on?

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Ojirou: Why do you have a mask on?

Gianna: Because people in America were coughing a lot and getting other people sick so I wanted to wear this to protect myself.

Mina: I still don't get why you would wear it.

Gianna: They literally cough without covering their mouth. That's disgusting!

Mina: Oh. Nevermind, I'd probably do the same thing.

Aizawa: Okay that's all for now, you can get to know her after class. You can just sit next to Midoriya.

Gianna: Who?

Izuku: *raises his hand*

Gianna: Oh,okay *sits at the desk*

As the lessons go by it was eventually time for the Battle Trials. Everyone went the locker room except Gia, who was stopped by Aizawa.

Gianna: Yes Mr.Aizawa?

Aizawa: *hands her a gym uniform* Since you don't have a hero costume, you'll have to wear this until the time comes.

Gianna: Okay *takes it and goes to the locker room*

Gianna gets to the locker room and sees the other girls changing into their costumes.

Gianna:(They look nice..I wonder when I could make my own) *changes into the uniform and momentarily saw Momo's* (what's up with her costume though..- wait what Am I thinking? Just focus on you Gianna)

Gianna: *sees Jirou hear something from the other side of the wall* Is something wrong?

Jirou: *visibly disgusted* It's the short pest! He wants to look at us again!

Girls: *cover up*

Gianna: Hold on I have some bug spray...*pulls out a canister of pest control spray from my bag* Where is it? *looks down and sees a peeping hole with Mineta's eye*

Mineta: Can you step back? I need to see your chest!

Gianna: Oh.. *sprays the hole*

Mineta: *screams* My eye!

Gianna: Well,that problem is solved.

Uraraka: *suprised* Where did you get bug spray from?

Gianna: I just have it in my bag just in case.

Momo: I hate that pervert as much as the rest of you do but isn't this a bit overkill?

Gianna: *gives her the can* Read the bottom of it.

Momo: *looks at it* "Guaranteed to get rid of crickets,roaches, and pests of any kind!"

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Momo: *looks at it* "Guaranteed to get rid of crickets,roaches, and pests of any kind!"

Gianna: And what did you all say he was?

Toru: A pest?

Gianna: Exactly. So I did what I had to do.

Mina: Now that I think about it..thanks!

Gianna: You're welcome *walks out the locker room*

What will happen next?
Will Mineta cry like a little bitch boy for being a creep?
Who will be paired up with Gianna and how will she use her quirk

Find out in the next chapter!

Authors note:
Sorry it took so long to make this,I was busy with stuff for school and I was drawing some of the images.

💖Hope you enjoyed the first chapter💖

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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