Chapter1: My dynasty will never die

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Alright this chapter isn't bout Y/n and is instead about the past. Might be a oneshot

The purple skies of the underworld were choked by black storm clouds that boomed with thunder.

A black haired man with a red streak going through his hair could be seen standing in a macabre setting filled with red jagged rocks and purple floral.

The man had a centipede like tattoo going down from under his eye down his right cheek. He wore a white cloth blindfold over his eyes that covered his sight. But despite that he was able to see via the Qi flow of the objects around him.

He wore black spaulders with gold trimmings over his shoulders that reached down his arms with two finger guards.

This is the first emperor of china Qin shi huang the first man to unite all of china together. And the first human to earn respect from the seventy two pure blood devil families.

Qin: To be honest, I knew this day would come quicker then I imagine.

The human emperor flashed a grin towards his opponent sirzechs Lucifer one of the four rulers of the underworld

Sirzechs was a devil with vibrant crimson hair, his green eyes were filled with exhaustion and happiness. His attire was a mostly gray colored armor with gold trimmings. Underneath he has a green and white coat underneath with a black sash.

 Underneath he has a green and white coat underneath with a black sash

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Sirzechs: If I said I wasn't looking forward to this i'd be lying. . Let's make it something the winner will never forget.

A red and black aura of destructive magic covered sirzech's frame flaring brightly making the land quake.

Qin: Chi yo: Armor form.

Qin got in a fighting stance with his left hand extended out palm facing ahead while his right hand was pulled back palm facing forward.

A gust of wind swept through the clearing as Sirzechs blinked Infront of Qin with a magic infused punch that rocketed towards the humans head.

Qin threw a high kick making contact with Sirzechs fist stopping it as well as creating a larger crater that spread out into multiple fissures whilst a shockwave spread out crumbling down the mountains nearby.

Sirzechs: You got stronger, usually you would have stumbled back at the very least whenever we clashed.

Qin: A Emperor always needs to be strong enough to protect his people.

Sirzechs: That's exactly what I expected you say.

Blood splattered against the ground when sirzechs ripped his fist back and focused more magic into it creating a sword which cut through Qin's side.

A huff left his mouth as he landed on his feet with blood dripping down his side collecting onto his feet.

Qin: Heh. . . alright then.

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