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(Lillie had put on her new outfit and putting her hair up in a different way)

^Its the outfit she wore in the anime when she was in the Alola league^

Lillie—How do I look?

Lana—You look good

Lillie—I'm happy to hear that......Serena is not the only one who can dress for success around here

Lana—She has some distance on you remember she had a plan first

Lillie—Whatever she is not the only one who can make a guy want her

Lana—Lillie don't lie to yourself you have never done this before

Lillie—Oh Hush

Lana—Just be careful and stay calm and be yourself don't try to become all snooty or bitchy

Lillie—Why would I be bitchy?

Lana—You have always been the innocent sweet girl but now you wanna walk the wild side all I'm saying is don't get carried away

Lillie—Understood.....Okay I'm ready

(Lillie heads to the school for the battle competition)


(Ash had just woken up and got ready for the battle festival at school he had trained late into the night so for him to wake up on time was a first)

(Ash looked at Pikachu as he got out of bed)

Ash—Ready Pikachu?!?

(Pikachu nodded with his fist in the air symbolizing he was pumped and ready for action)

(Ash went to the bathroom to change and he came out with a short sleeve shirt cargo shorts his hat and a keystone glove)

(Kukui came out of his room ready to head to the school)

Kukui—Someone seems ready

Ash—Hell yeah I am........bc there will be ton of opportunities and opponents at school and I always get a rush when I face strong trainers it's what motivates me to get stronger

Kukui—Alright that's what I like to here let's go!!!


Announcer—Welcome students to the Pokémon school battle ranking contest please sign in and prepare for battle

(There were tons of students who were interested in ranking up bc the higher the rank the more popular and well known the person would be)

(Ash arrived with Kukui and they walked in the front gate to see an ocean of people)

Ash—Wow are all these people competing?!?

Kukui—Yeah it's truly a sight to behold

Ash—Well we're do I sign up??

(Kukui pointed a desk near the front of the school)

Ash—Cool I'll be back

(Ash got in line and eventually got to the front and signed his name)

(Suddenly a voice talked to him)

—So your the new guy

(Ash looked up to see a guy with spikey black and red hair with a large turtle Pokémon and a smaller guy with orange hair and a small pokemon)

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