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Yuri's Pov:
I slowly woke up my head killing me it hurt like a motherfucker when I woke I tried getting up and found I couldn't it took me a while to process that I laying on top of Noé I panicked a bit and felt my face flush then all of a sudden I hear "Morning sleepy hope your head isn't screaming bloody murder" his voice was so soft... And calm as if he was singing a lullaby it's really soothing...

Time skipppp

Still heros Pov

I was given some water by Noé he was really nice I don't know how we ended up sitting next to each other on the couch with me leaning my head on him and his arm wrapped around me... This felt so lovely I never wanted this to end we were watching TV my favorite show came on and it was his to surprisingly we watched as people failed challenges and won them and as some cheated the game it was funny and I couldn't help but noticed how close Noé and I were yes I know we are really close already but it seems like we're getting even closer...

Noé Pov:
I'm so glad I slipped that in his drink his pretty blue eyes are sadly pink from the potion really doesn't fit him but what am I a fashion designer? No but is fine I don't think I use the right comparison... Hmm... Did I add enough...? As I thought this Yuri screamed as hit me with a pillow there's my answer did not add enough.. I grabbed him not hard enough to hurt him "calm down love bug~ don't get your pony tail in a twist now.. just calm down" I pull him close into my embrace holding him close he was squirming trying to get out so cute...

Yuri's Pov:
I squirmed trying to break free but Noé's clothes were so soft and he was so warm.. and comfy.. I slowly stopped squirming and he responded with "good boy.." My face immediately flushed "oh so someone likes that name? How cute.." I blushed more ad without knowing it he grabbed my chin made me look at him and with one bold action kissed me.. I slowly closed my eyes and kissed back couldn't deny it felt so good... He tasted like blueberries.. the kiss slowly escalated as I was pinned to a wall I felt hands at my pants it was to early for this... I wasn't ready I break the kiss panting heavily before saying "w-wait I'm not ready I'm not ready.." he nodded and went back to just kissing me this was not how I expected this to go.. but I wasn't going to complain if I'm being honest I enjoyed this a lot... I loved it then all of a sudden I get a call I break the kiss "h-hold let me take this..." *I say catching my breath as I left the room and checked my phone*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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