Sound Descriptions

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Barking: the sharp, repetitive sound made by dogs.

Bawling: a loud and unrestrained cry, often associated with infants or animals.

Beat: a regular and repeated pulsation or rhythm.

Bellowing: a deep and resonant roar or cry, often associated with large animals.

Blaring: loud and harsh, often used to describe sounds like sirens or alarms.

Bubbling: a gentle and liquid sound, often associated with the movement of water.

Bumping: a dull and muffled thud, often produced by objects colliding.

Burping: the sound of a belch, the release of gas from the stomach through the mouth.

Cackling: a loud and raucous laughter, often with a harsh or mocking quality.

Cawing: the loud and harsh cry of a crow.

Cacophonous: harsh and discordant, describing a mixture of unpleasant sounds.

Chattering: a rapid and continuous sound of talking or objects striking together.

Cheeping: the chirping or peeping sound, usually associated with small birds or chicks.

Chirping: a series of short and high-pitched sounds, typically made by birds or crickets.

Clattering: a loud and chaotic sound, typically produced by objects striking each other.

Clucking: the soft and rapid vocalization made by chickens.

Cooing: a soft and murmuring sound, often associated with doves or contentment.

Crackling: the sharp and popping sound, often associated with fire or static electricity.

Crashing: a loud and violent noise, often associated with the collision of objects.

Crawling: moving slowly with a noise resembling a soft rustle.

Creaking: a harsh or squeaky sound, often associated with the movement of a door or floor.

Croaking: a rough and hoarse vocalization, often resembling the sound of a frog.

Crowing: the loud and characteristic cry of a rooster.

Crying: the audible expression of sorrow or distress through tears and vocalization.

Din: a loud and prolonged noise, often associated with a clamor or commotion.

Fizzing: a hissing or bubbling sound, often associated with the release of gas.

Gagging: the sound of someone choking or retching.

Gasping: a sudden and sharp intake of breath, often due to surprise, shock, or difficulty breathing.

Growling: a low and guttural sound, often expressing discontent or threat.

Hissing: a sibilant sound, like the escape of air or the warning sound of a snake.

Honking: a loud and resonant sound, often associated with car horns or geese.

Howling: a long and mournful cry, often associated with wolves or the wind.

Keening: a mournful and wailing sound, often associated with grief or lamentation.

Loud: having a high volume or intensity.

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