4. Cold Night For a Murder

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Another cold night blew into town.

Silas couldn't shake the paranoia that coiled around him like a snake, fearful of every shadow beyond his house. It was his first night home after the attacks, both from the wolf and the vampire who'd gone on a feeding frenzy after running off. Even locked inside with their wards cast over to protect them, he couldn't stop the unease from creeping down his spine.

Sebastian assured him that he wouldn't turn into a wicked wolf if he took the concoction of foul-flavored elixirs he'd given him, but by the Gods, were they nasty. Silas puckered his lips like a fish as he forced the rancid, yet somehow sour, mixture down his throat. It stuck like glue, and chasing it with a glass of water only made it stickier.

He kept the vials hidden within a secret compartment of an old jewelry box that belonged to his mother, enchanted to keep anyone from seeing the contents inside. The last thing he wanted was for his father or anyone else to stumble upon them.

All that mattered was keeping his condition a secret. Simple enough, right? The only times he needed to fret were under the full moons, especially the blood moon. Thankfully, it was only a bloody waning crescent out tonight.

Normally, at this ungodly hour, he'd visit his mother's grave. Sorrow filled his heart just thinking of telling her what had happened. He couldn't do it. Not yet.

A soft vibration on his nightstand caught his attention. The crystal ball nearly slipped off the table, filling with a sparkly mist of cotton candy pinks and blues. Silas reached out for it, channeling his own magic into the globe before a hazy image of Seraphina filled the glass ball.

"Silas." Her mellifluous voice rang through his room. "Hope I didn't wake you."

"Nope." A smile crept across his face. "Why are you awake so late?"

"I wanted to visit the market," Seraphina said, glancing around before whispering, "To sell the wolf."

Color drained from his face. "Ah, I see."

"Wanna come along?" Seraphina asked. "I'm tired of keeping that rancid thing in my trunk. It stinks too much."

"Gross." Silas wrinkled his nose. "But yeah, I can help. Want me to meet you somewhere?"

"I can pick you up at your house," Seraphina offered.

Silas nodded. "Okay. I'll see you then."

"See ya." Seraphina grinned

As Seraphina's face dissolved in a plume of smoke, Silas sprung from his bed and dressed in his thickest robes. A warm, fluttery sensation spread through his chest as he smiled, thinking about the two of them sneaking around Caverott in the dead of night.

The circumstances were grim. But damned, he couldn't deny how excited he was to spend time with Seraphina again. Even if it was merely to sell wolf walker meat to some sketchy vendors.

Silas made his way down the hallway just as his father poked his head out from his bedroom. He eyed his son curiously and asked, "Where are you going this late?"

"Seraphina called and wanted to see if I'd ride around with her." Silas awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "She didn't want to be out in the dark by herself."

His father grinned. "I see. Well, you two stay safe out there, okay? I'm heading to bed, so make sure to take your house key."

"Don't worry, I will." Silas nodded before making his way into the living room to wait for her.

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