How Beautiful You Are

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Despite the strange events that had unfolded earlier, you fell asleep almost the minute your head hit the pillow. You'd had a long day, and the bed was incredibly soft and comfortable, lulling you away into sleep. The air outside was cold, but the fire in the hearth and your own body heat under the covers kept you warm and cozy. The blankets weighed you down in a soft heap, and your curled into them like a bird in a nest. Your thoughts grew comfortingly heavy and slow, and you let yourself just drift off. This would explain what would happen next, as there was no earthly way that it was real- only in a dream could such splendid things happen.

Your eyes slowly flickered open, and you gave a soft gasp. You had no idea where you were, but you could tell that wherever it was, it was beautiful. You stood up carefully, still in your modest white nightgown, to find that you were on some kind of island. You were lying in a huge field of violets in bloom, their petals impossibly vivid, their scent overpoweringly sweet. The violets blanketed a hill, which was ringed by pink cherry blossom trees and a beach of pure white sands, and the entire island sat atop crystal blue water like a gemstone in a queen's crown. All around you were pretty doves and pastel coloured cockatiels, sitting in the tree branches. Little fluffy red squirrels and the sweetest of snowy white bunny rabbits scampered in the flowers around you, and a doe led her fauns through the field a few metres in front of you. You felt as if you'd stepped into a picture book, but this was too real to be a mere story- you could feel the sun on your skin, smell the flowers, and heard the delicate swishing of the sea on the shore. Curious, you headed towards the beach, determined to find out where you were.

You felt something shift as you headed down to the beach. You looked down, to see that you were now wearing a gauzy, floaty gown made of some kind of chiffon. It had a deep cleavage and a long skirt, matching the crown of violets and forget-me-nots in your hair. As you looked around the beach, trying to find some kind of clue as to where on earth you could be, you heard a bubbling sound coming from the sea. You saw a huge scallop shell emerging from the ocean, rising from the waves below. It slowly opened, and you gasped when you saw what was inside it, as it was a beautiful woman. She was not beautiful in the way that a pretty dress is beautiful, or a cheap nosegay, or even a painting in the national gallery- her beauty was that of the aurora borealis over Iceland, of a sunset over the Serengeti, of the patterns that dance in storm clouds when lightning flashes.

The woman had creamy pale skin, lips like Cupid's bow, and her golden hair hung down her back in soft waves, like that of Botticelli's Venus. Her eyes were the same blue as spring irises. They were blue in the way that roses are red or grass is green- they defined what it meant to be blue. There was not one scrap of clothing on her irresistible form, and you could practically feel your mouth water at the sight of how scrumptiously curvy she was. This beautiful angel had lusciously wide hips and a waist that curved like one of Stradivarius' masterpieces. Her bare bosom was uncovered by her beautiful blonde locks, revealing her pert nipples, a soft sugar pink against her alabaster flesh. Her thighs looked like they would spread out and double in size should she sit down, and although she was facing you, you could tell that she most definitely wouldn't need a bustle under her dress to form an ideal silhouette. She was no waif, as there was more than enough of her to fondle, to kiss, to stroke with loving fingers in the way a nun clutches her rosary. All that covered this mysterious woman was a choker necklace, which was made of white lace with a blue gemstone (now where had you seen that before?) and a pale blue flower crown.

"My darling! My sweet love, come to me!" This beauty called out to you, and you immediately threw aside all notions of social expectations, gender roles and religion- the whole lot was forgotten. You dived into the water and started swimming towards her, where she sat as coy as a nymph in her shell. You quickly reached the scallop shell, and she lifted you into it with one hand. You seemed to be floating on air as she did this- that, or she was immensely strong, stronger than she looked. She smiled, showing a slight red stain on one of her pearly white teeth.
Blood? There was no blood. You pushed the strange thought aside.
"Oh, my love, you've come to me at last. I've been so hungry." This mysterious beauty said as she shut the huge scallop shell, so the two of you were inside of it. The interior was roomier than one would imagine for the interior of a shell, but you still had to clutch tightly to the strange beauty before you. She wrapped her sumptuous legs around your waist and straddled you, like Boadicea on a horse. You looked away as her breasts filled your line of sight, suddenly shy.

Jjba Vampire AU- Children Of The Night (Jonathan/Erina/Speedwagon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now