Chapter 3: A Comet's Tears

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Hello and welcome to chapter 2 hope you enjoy now on to the chapter.

Hikari Tanaka possessed a Quirk that set her apart as the embodiment of swiftness itself. Her ability granted her unparalleled super speed, allowing her to move at velocities that surpassed the limits of human capabilities.

Hikari possesses an athletic and agile figure, reflecting her super speed quirk. She is 5 '4 and has doubt Cs and a nicely toned body but light enough for her to move. She has short, sun-kissed blonde hair styled in a sporty manner, allowing her freedom of movement. Her bright cerulean eyes sparkle with determination and resilience. Hikari's visage is expressive and lively, with a radiant smile that lights up her face. Her appearance exudes an energetic and cheerful vibe.

From a young age, Hikari had trained to control and harness her Quirk, honing her skills to traverse distances in the blink of an eye. Her movements were a blur, a testament to her mastery over the gift of immense speed, making her a formidable force in any situation that demanded quick reflexes and agility.

Hikari's POV

Sunlight hammered down on the bench, baking my denim into a second skin. My sneakers, usually a blur of restless motion, tapped a mournful rhythm against the worn wood. Super speed, the quirk that once made me feel invincible, now felt like a cruel joke. What good was outrunning heartbreak?

The news, his tangled mess with a girl whose shoelaces were probably perpetually untied, had shattered me like a dropped crystal goblet. Tears welled, icy and insistent, blurring the sidewalk into a watercolor of despair. Shame coiled around me like a viper, squeezing the last vestiges of self-worth from my grasp. Maybe he was right. Maybe I was just a blur, a fleeting firework in a universe that craved constellations.

Then, a shadow fell over me. I expected the accusing glare of a pigeon, but instead met a pair of curious grape eyes framed by a mess of purple hair. A stranger, his face etched with youthful confusion, stood before me.

"Rough day?" he asked, his voice surprisingly gentle for someone who looked like he'd stepped out of a comic book.

My breath hitched. Words, usually my loyal companions, abandoned me. A tear, fat and defiant, rolled down my cheek, carving a salty path through the dust.

He didn't flinch. Instead, he did something unexpected. He sat down beside me, leaving a respectful space, but his eyes held a curious warmth.

"My ex," I finally managed to whisper, my voice choked with unshed tears. "He said I wasn't... enough."

The words hung between us, a bitter smoke plume in the still air. He frowned, not with disgust, but with a flicker of genuine anger. "He's a walking fruit salad of bad decisions," he declared, his voice surprisingly firm for someone who looked like he'd wandered out of an anime convention.

I couldn't help it. A surprised laugh escaped, a butterfly finally breaking free from its chrysalis. "Fruit salad?"

"Exactly!" He grinned, his grape eyes sparkling. "He didn't deserve a supernova like you. You're a comet, streaking across the sky, leaving a trail of light everyone else can only watch in awe."

His words, unexpected and genuine, were a balm to my bruised spirit. My heart, a hummingbird trapped in a cage of ribs, fluttered. But doubt, a persistent weed, gnawed at me.

"But what if I'm just a falling star?" I whispered, the question echoing in the hollow space where my confidence used to reside.

He snorted, a sound strangely comforting in the silence. "Falling stars? You're a comet, I tell you! You ignite the night sky with your every move. And anyone who can't see your brilliance is too blind to deserve your light."

He leaned closer, his conviction a beacon cutting through the fog of despair. "So, comet, don't let a bad fruit salad dim your shine. You're stronger than any mistake anyone could ever make."

His words were a lifeline thrown across the vast ocean of my despair. A shaky laugh bubbled up, a tiny melody against the storm. His faith was a spark igniting the embers of hope within me.

We sat together as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and rose. I leaned against him, his warmth a shield against the encroaching dusk. The scars of betrayal still burned, but the ember of hope, kindled by a stranger's unexpected kindness, was growing brighter.

As the city lights winked on, casting long shadows on the sidewalk, I knew this: I wouldn't let my ex, or anyone else, extinguish my light. I was a comet, and I was ready to blaze my own trail across the sky, leaving a streak of brilliance that would outshine any darkness.

And perhaps, somewhere down that trail, I'd run into the stranger who reminded me of my own brilliance. And maybe, just maybe, we'd chase the sunrise together.

His phone buzzed, shattering the moment. He checked it, his grape eyes dimming slightly. "Duty calls, comet," he sighed, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Gotta help out at the family farm."

My heart skipped a beat. The thought of losing this unexpected light, this stranger who'd rekindled my own, was a bitter pill to swallow. "But..." I stammered, then stopped. I didn't even know his name.

He chuckled, as if reading my mind. "Grapevine of the family, I'm Mineta. And you, comet?"

My lips curved into a genuine smile, the first in what felt like an eternity. "Hikari," I said, my voice ringing with newfound strength. "And Mineta, thanks for reminding me how to shine."

Mineta returned her smile, a flash of mischief returning to his grape eyes. "Don't worry, Hikari," he winked. "Comets always leave a trail. And I have a feeling yours will be one heck of a light show."

With a final wave, Mineta turned and disappeared into the twilight, leaving Hikari alone on the bench. But she wasn't alone anymore. The embers of hope had become a raging flame, and Hikari knew one thing for sure: she was ready to shine brighter than any falling star, leaving a trail of supernova brilliance across the sky. And somewhere down that trail, she hoped to find Mineta again, ready to chase the sunrise together.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and I will see guys in the next chapter. 

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