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Later that same day, Mr. Chau, Gideon, and Knives went caroling (illegally) and knocked door to door singing about their endeavors. Several of the hits including but not limited to:

We Wish You a Merry Yaoimas
Last Semester
Felix Yaoidad
Grandpa Got Plowed Over by a Seme
The Twelve Days of Yaoi
Carol of the Balls
All I Want for Christmas is You (they bought the copy rights for it)
Let Him Blow
Deck the Balls
And much more!

However, during there carol... they were unfortunately arrested. Mr. Chau and Gideon were contained in the same jail cell and were still have a good ol' time.

Knives was shortly adopted by her mother and became more emo than she was.

The end! :3

The Art of War (Mr. Chau x Gideon)Where stories live. Discover now