A Special Vacation

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y/n = your name

e/c = eye color

L/N = last name


It took the entirety of the day to find this island. Not to mention it took another day before that to arrive in a nearby island to get transportation to the destination. Going on without much sleep, y/n still hung onto her enthusiastic state through the entire trip. With a couple of ups and downs, she still tried her best to keep a positive mindset.

She was in a small boat that an old man offered to take her in for money, which she thought was too good to be true. He seemed kind enough to trust for now, not like her other options were better. One of the two options for her would be to cross through some neighboring nations, but one of the locals warned her about those places being swarmed with guards and criminals. The other option would be to take the public transportation to the island, which was not only time consuming but extremely expensive. For a college student whose life was far from comfortable and luxurious, it was understandable that she picked neither of those options.

The boat ride took around 3 gruesomely boring hours, with the occasional story from the old man who talked about his wife and his hobby of fishing that he took on when he was a teenager. While his stories made the trip to the island a little less boring, he would repeat the stories over and over, thinking that she forgot the first time he said them. Y/n tried to keep herself occupied by writing in her journal that she kept in her backpack. While that helped, with nothing else to stimulate her, the relief was only temporary. Needless to say, her patience was tested for those couple of hours.

Going through all of this hassle and trouble just to go to an island would have driven anyone else crazy, some might have called off the trip altogether and go back home. So why was y/n so determined to go to this small island out in the middle of nowhere? Two words: her grandparents. She had sent her grandma and grandpa numerous letters and gifts, checking up on their wellbeing whenever she can. She had a strong bond with them, since they were the only other family besides her mother that she kept in contact with. Y/n's mom would always talk highly about them, saying that they were actually how she met her father. This fact alone drove young y/n to get to know them.

She knew very little about her own father, she barely remembers what he looked like, what he did, his side of the family is unknown to y/n except his parents. He was a mysterious figure to her. Even his own parents said very little about him. No matter how many questions she asked about him, her grandparents would always explain in a very general and simple manner, or just completely ignore the question and change the subject. In her mind, it would make sense to look at where her grandparents live, where her father used to live. To find any clues about him. And to finally meet her grandparents, who she had only talked to through written letters. Plus it was currently spring break for her so she had a good excuse to give if they ask.

Once land was visible to her eyes, she finally saw the island for the first time. She was told by her granddad that the island was a small one, that there were only a couple hundred people residing there. Yet it was one thing to hear it, and another to see it in person. She could see a beach residing with a couple of people on there, tanning and talking amongst one another. It looked pretty lively from her view, yet there was still a couple of minutes before they would make it onshore. Y/n's stomach felt like it would pop out of her body. I can't wait to see them!

After a couple of minutes of waiting and waiting, the boat stopped on the sandy surface, creaking a bit by the impact. Before getting up from her spot, she gave the amount of money she promised the fisherman and handed it to him. "Here you go sir! Thank you so very much for bringing me here!"

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