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Y/n was starstruck. She could not believe that he actually asked her out, especially so soon. They have only known each other for almost a full day. 'Would it be safe to go through this? Would this be something long-term? I won't be able to stay on this island for too long. Mom would worry and I don't want to completely ditch university.'

'Do I want this? And so soon?'

"I know this sounds crazy, but I just felt something when we first met." Seven looks off into the distance, avoiding eye contact as he stutters a bit on his sentence. "I-It might be too fast, but I would love to show you how much I could make you happy." 

Hearing this come out of his mouth made y/n feel weirdly conflicted. One one hand, this was an amazing opportunity to get to know Seven and hang out with him more. On the other.... her grandparents words lingered in her memories. As vivid as they were in the morning, those rumors were most likely just that. Rumors. At least that's what y/n told herself. 'I should just give him a chance.' 

While she was caught up in her own thoughts, Seven took this as a sign to grasp both of her hands in his. Gently cushioning them on his, as if they would break off on the slightest bit of pressure. Seven's eyes were glued onto her hands until he focused them on her own. Her (e/c) irises were hypnotizing to look at. He felt like he could get lost in them.

"If you give me a chance, I promise I will make it worth your while." Y/n was still in shock at what was happening. Her blush was prominent on her cheeks, her face heated up by the second. With all her courage, she straightened herself up and squeezed Seven's hands. 'I think I want this.'

"I'll make sure that you keep your promise." Y/n smiled and giggled as she saw the relief in Seven's face. His expression softened as his eyes glistened in excitement. 

"Y/n!" He yelled out in happiness. He took advantage of this rare chance of encountering such a beautiful woman to ask out. His chest palpitated, he could feel his stomach do flips inside of him. His mind become hazy, his actions blurred in his mind as he held y/n in a surprise hug. 

She gasped quietly as she did not expect him to immediately be so close to him. She could feel how hot his body was, their warmth burning each other up by the second that they held one another. After getting over the suddenness of the hug, she grasped lightly on his figure, wrapping her arms around her. She could now fully smell the cologne that he wore, along with a whiff of his natural scent masked underneath. Seven could say the same, as he could now engulf himself in her perfume, the scent not as hard on the nose as he thought. 

For what felt like hours, Seven finally let the smaller girl out of the hug. Both of their hearts were still pumping, it seemed neither of them could calm down easily after that. What felt like an eternity was only a couple of seconds in real time. 

"How do you feel about having our first official date tomorrow? I want it to be extra special." His dark brown eyes locked with her (e/c) ones, their usual sparkle still glistening. Who could say no to those eyes?

"I would love that." Her eyes matched his same spark of infatuated emotion. He felt like he was on cloud nine. How could any of this still be real? How is this not just a dream? Seven was not prepared for this at all. This confession was impulsive on his end. He didn't care about the possible rejection that could have happened. All that mattered to him was that he talked to her and she acknowledged his existence. 

After the soon-to-be couple finished their lunch date, Seven suggested this amazing ice cream parlor not too far from their location. He boasted about how he could easily rank all the ice cream parlors by the best to the worst, saying that this one is by far the best. Y/n giggled at his enthusiasm, allowing him to lead the way to the "best ice cream place", with Seven playfully scoffing at her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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