Chapter 1

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The lights dimmed from below the counter and streaked across the sticky floors, reflecting in odd twisted ways. I found myself craving the vibrations of the music pulsing beneath my finger pads holding gingerly onto the glass in my hand. The music was arguably too loud for some newcomers who have barely set foot inside this club, but to me, it was just loud enough to get lost in.

"Enjoying yourself?" The bartender reached far below the counter, discreetly pouring more fine red into my glass only.

I pressed the glass to my lips, "I am now," and the man nodded in amusement, returning to cleaning the counter.

The sweetness of the drink swirled around my tongue like a deep kiss trickling down my throat. My eyes almost missed the impatient feet that staggered to the counter.

The boy asked for something strong, his breath heaving like it was his last. Barely seconds passed from when the drink was in his hand to being drained down his throat. He asked for another glass and desperately downed that glass as well.

"What?" He noticed my stare, teeth filled with aggression and hatred for the world around him.

Perceptive, I thought to myself with a grin on my lips. "Usually when someone drinks that quickly they're here to rid themselves of their burdens... than to have fun."

He scowled at me and turned away.

And he sat there for the entire night, just a few seats away from me until he left in the morning.


The next night he came again sitting in the same spot as before, drinking an obscene amount of liquor and teetering on the edge of sickness.

"One more and you'll puke your guts out," I mocked him.

He paused his hand for a moment, "I know when I'm done," before downing another glass.

Ten minutes later he abruptly left for the restroom, pushing away anybody in his path and tripping on his feet. I snickered to myself, oddly waiting for his return. He nearly missed his own seat but managed to make it back nonetheless.

"Are you done now?" I mocked. He flinched as if my mouth was right against his ear.

"Fuck off. Leave me alone." He replied in exhaustion.

We didn't speak for the rest of the night and eventually, he left before sunrise.


"You weren't here yesterday."

He refused to respond for a while, taking a long gulp of the drink in his hand. "I...tried drinking alone yesterday."


"Blacked out cold. Bartender wasn't there to tell me to stop."

A laugh left my throat, "And here I was thinking you actually missed me."

He ignored me again, continuing to drink away all the pain behind his eyes. His skin flushed quickly, nearly matching the color of my glass of red. Maybe secretly I wondered if he would taste better than the glass in my hand.

"You're going to waste all your money if you continue to drink as much as you do every night."

"I don't care anymore," he slurred.

Curiosity crept beneath my skin and a smile itched on my lips, "Why pretty boy? Did someone break your heart?" A snicker nearly got caught in my throat

He furrowed his eyebrows, thinking to himself carefully as if he couldn't formulate the words on his own.

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