I : The ... Beginning?

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Donnie was a 'troubled' teen, oh so her mother said. Donnie was known for running away from home and causing mischief around the town. It wasn't entirely her wanting to, it was more or less her being a "rebel" from a strict household, even as a young adult now.

It got to a point where she had run away and ended up in a bootcamp, this was her first time of course since her parents tried their best to discipline her it just never worked. Donnie was dragged through the front doors by two officers, kicking and screaming all the way. She was then thrown into an empty cement room with one barred window on the top of the cement door. Her adrenaline soon wore off and she finally realised how terrified she was. It felt like she was sitting in that room alone for hours, even though it had been just a few minutes. A female officer had walked in carrying two ziplock bags, one empty and the other with an orange jumpsuit, a toothbrush and toothpaste.

"I need you to strip and put your clothes in this bag." She said, her voice was stern and showed no sign of pity.

"Please- no, I'm not supposed to be here!" Donnie cried. The officer stood her ground in front of the door, her hand on her hip as she looked down at the girl. It wasn't long before Donnie obeyed and stripped. The officer gave her a brief pat down and handed Donnie the full bag and told her to change. Donnie stepped closer to the back wall as she felt more vulnerable, holding the full bag infront of her body. The officer paid no mind to her and bent down, putting Donnie's belongings in the empty bag.

Donnie changed into the orange jumpsuit, she hated how it looked in her. Not like she was trying to impress anyone but it just wasn't complimenting. The officer didn't look at the girl before he left, holding the door open.

"I'll take you to your cell. Follow me, inmate 2848." She said. The woman refused to make eye contact with Donnie, she felt embarrassed and she snarled at the thought of needing to see someone younger than her like that. Donnie was hesitant but held her arms across her stomach, she felt as if she wanted to vomit. Donnie left the room and followed the officer to her new cell.

It was a short walk and the officer opened the cell door, "This will be your new room for the next few months." She gestured inside.

The cell was an average cement cell; one wall of bars facing the cafeteria of the complex, a barred window, a thin metal bed with a thin pillow, and the sink-toilet.

"Curfew is 9 o'clock, lunchtime is half past 12, breakfast is 7." The officer said. Donnie felt a chill run down her spine, as if someone was watching her. She looked behind her and over the balcony. She was currently on the 3rd floor of the cells, about a 1 km distance to the other side of the long rectangular room. She didn't see the inmates as it was almost 8:45 at night, she could tell from the large glass room above her as well as the large clock on the other side of the complex. Donnie was about to turn back to the officer before something blue caught her eye. She attempted to take a second glance but it was gone, her blood started pumping as she knew it wasn't safe.

The officer snapped her fingers, "Hey, are you even listening?" She said, It made Donnie jump a little, now turning back to face her.

"Whatever, you're on your own." The officer said, scoffing and walking off. Donnie felt the adrenaline in her body finally wear off and the tears building up. She walked into her cell and plopped onto the metal bed, the chains clanked. Tears fell from her eyes in an instant.

A tall figure stood against the frame of her barred door, watching. He was leaning against it with his arms crossed. He felt pity for her. The sound of his footsteps seemed non-existent as he walked towards her. He sat on the edge of the bed and hugged her, attempting to comfort her.

He obviously got a negative reaction and was instantly punched in the face. The sound of plastic hitting the floor echoed against the empty walls as his mask hit the floor. He stumbled back and kicked it behind him a bit.

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