Osito Gay so gay

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(Reminder to not take the shit post seriously 😭😩😩)

Osito Gay?

Maybe dot dot dot

Gay for who?

Well Commander of course

"God Commanders so hot" Osito said dramatically to himself as he had a paw on a picture of the larger bear


Osito wiggled around on the floor like a floor worm

Silly so silly

Osito is a freak

The biggest freak

Such a freak

A silly freak

Getting Freaky thinking about Commander is Osito...

The next such Fucking sucky day Osito is watching Commander but up close because Osito isn't a p̶u̶s̶s̶y̶
I mean
A scared cat

He's brave
like bull
But little bull

Because Osito is a little guy

Commander is big fella

Commander looking down at Osito HOLDING HIM CLOSE because Osito is smoll and precious lil fella
Osito blushed, blushed so much he became red
Red bear

So red he might have to move

from commander

Osito pulled himself away from

commander on the verge of tears because he's so gay and sad that he has to move away from the bear he's gay for just so he won't be red.

Commander cries because he was gay for Osito but unlike Osito he is a pu....a scared cat.

So shy

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