Chapter 4

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Deerclaw stomach pricked with anxiety as she slunk out of camp. Though the dirtplace tunnel was now being guarded as well, the white and gray warrior managed to sneak by Leafwing while he was dozed off. By the edge of the border awaited Cinderflame, his tail twitching with nervousness. His eyes brightened after seeing Deerclaw, a slight sigh of relief slipping from his muzzle.

"Hey," Cinderflame dipped his head. 

"Was the patrol able to find the meadow saffron?" Deerclaw mewed.

"Yep, but we have been a bit short on prey. Our clanmates have been cautious, in case any prey has eaten the meadow saffron." Cinderflame explained. "But on a brighter note, Spottedstrike woke up!"

"She did?" Deerclaw's green eyes widened. "I thought she'd be dead for sure. Not saying I'm not happy, I'm glad she's up."

"Yeah, Curlywhisker has been thrilled. She hasn't left her side since," Cinderflame let out a soft purr of amusement. "Oh, and Flickerpelt's kits have started crawling. They're so cute! Anyways, anything on IcyClan?"

Deerclaw nodded before answering. "Anyways, Piperpaw and Minnowpaw were apprenticed. A half-moon early, as expected."

"Any word on any attacks?" Cinderflame mewed.

"Not yet, but with the belief that ValleyClan's prey is poisoned, they're sure to strike soon." The gray molly answered.

Cinderflame's tail flicked anxiously as he glanced toward the IcyClan border. "Do you think they suspect anything?"

Deerclaw's stomach twisted with guilt, but she forced herself to appear composed. "I don't think so," she replied carefully. "But we need to tread carefully. If they catch wind of our plans, it could escalate into something much worse."

Cinderflame nodded in understanding, but the worry in his eyes remained. "I'll make sure our patrols are on high alert," he promised.

Deerclaw offered him a reassuring smile, placing her tail on his. "We'll get through this together," she said, hoping to quell some of his anxiety.

With heated ears, Cinderflame gave his own smile in return. The two locked eyes for a brief moment before turning away. The silence hung in the air, slightly awkward. Though neither of them were able to break it.

"How's Doepaw? Did she get her warrior name yet?" Deerclaw finally asked.

"Yeah, she's Doeflower now. And she's alright," Cinderflame answered, his words dancing with a hint of anxiety. "She's still a bit shaken from the battle at the gathering. She wasn't hurt, but it was her first real battle. And an intense one, too."

Deerclaw gave a sigh. "I wish I could be there for her. I've been a terrible sister since Fawnwind died," The silver and white molly drooped her ears. "Tell her I miss her. Tell my parents I miss them too."

Cinderflame gave a nod. "I'll let them know once I head back,"

"You probably should get going soon." The molly added. "And I should sneak back in before everyone wakes up," She gave a curt nod. "Safe travels,"

"Safe travels," Cinderflame echoed before slinking away. Deerclaw gave a sigh, longing to follow him back to ValleyClan. Back to her home. Hopefully, this will be over soon, She mewed in her head before turning away, back towards IcyClan. Soon they'll pay. They'll all pay for taking Fawnwind from me.

Leafwing was still dozed off by the time she returned. When she crawled back into camp, she noticed Flamefoot, the one guarding the exit, was gone. Spottail was there instead, though he was by the prisoner's den. He looked to be chatting with Flightwing, his eyes wide with curiosity. As Deerclaw approached, she picked up bits of their conversation.

"ValleyClan actually eats minnows? I thought that was a myth! Are they good?" Spottail enthusiastically mewed.

"They're nice. Kinda sweet for a fish. Though they're rather rare and kind of small, they still make for a nice snack." Flightwing answered.

"Do minnows really fly?" Spottail mewed, his eyes growing wider with curiosity.

"Uh, no," Flightwing replied, tilting his head in confusion.

"Do they-" Spottail cut himself off when he noticed Deerclaw approaching. "Deerclaw! I wasn't doing anything!" He turned around, straightening himself out to look tough. Deerclaw just gave a simple smile and nod. The molly then ducked into the warrior's den, curling up in her nest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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