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Sungchan: How is he,Hendery hyung?

Sungchan was at his living room while calling Hendery as he decided to not come to work today because of his uneasiness after Sunjeong didnt let him and Wonbin send him to school.

Hendery:Haishhh he's already went back in his car...you have been calling me since morning and i'm not supposed to be here aishhhh..xiaojun will get mad at me if he finds out that i'm working today

Sungchan: oh come on hyung, i'm very worried of my son's first day of school

Hendery: you dont need to worry, he's doing well..anyway you should come here if you want to check on him..take me as an example,me and xiaojun went to Bella's school to make sure the school provide good facilities for dogs

Sungchan gulped as he cleared his throat,wanting to change the conversation.

Sungchan: ok hyung, i'm leaving,thank you hyung for taking care of my son..i love you hyung

Hendery: ughhh whatever

*phone call ended*

Sungchan put down his phone and turned to his side when he saw Wonbin walking towards him,yup Wonbin also took his leave and decided to work from home because of Sunjeong.

"Is he okay?",he asked while fiddling his fingers,probably felt nervous because of Sunjeong.

Sungchan nodded,"Hendery hyung told me that Sunjeong already on his way back and he's doing well so i think it's fine",he explained as he tried to calm Wonbin.Since morning,Wonbin have been wanting to go to Sunjeong's school but Sungchan stopped him,insisted to respect Sunjeong's decision although deep down he cares more about their reputation.He didn't know what's the right thing to do so he just sticked to keep Sunjeong as a secret from the public.

Wonbin let out a breaths of relieved while Sungchan took his phone to check on his message when he was called by Wonbin.When he raised his head to look at Wonbin,the other looked down as he sat beside Sungchan.Wonbin was hesitated to talk about last night's incident but he needs to clear things up before it gets worse.

"I...i want to talk about last night.I..i'm sorry for what i did to you",Wonbin apologized while playing with his fingers,eyes still not looking at Sungchan.

Sungchan stared at the other,deep down he wished that Wonbin wasn't drunk but at the same time he knows everything doesn't revolve around him.He kept on denying the feelings that he have in him due to his ego,but also he is worried if one day he will regrets everything that he did.

He let out a breath then looked back to Wonbin,"it's okay,i know you are drunk",he said.Although he said he's fine,he know he doesnt as he started to feel the pain slowly engulfed him.He decided to walk away as he stood,"i'm going for a shower",he told Wonbin.

He was about to walk away when suddenly Wonbin held his arm,stopping him from leaving.
"Sungchan",the taller was surprised with Wonbin's sudden act as he turned to the other,"

"Wonbin wha—-"

"I really mean it,everything that i said to you last night",Sungchan's mouth was sealed by his words.He didnt know how to respond especially when Wonbin's soft eyes looked directly to his,making Sungchan's heart beats rapidly.

His head was blank,couldnt let out his answers but his heart kept on pushing him to hold the person infront of him.Wonbin eyed Sungchan as he released his grip from Sungchan's arm,wanting to wait for the taller's answer.While Sungchan,he felt like his heart is in tune with his mind as he slowly moved his hand before it stopped at Wonbin's face,causing the other looked at him in confusion.

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