Do we know our peace

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Sitting back in the car with my son,waiting for my husband to get some groceries.The full moon looks so beautiful and at the same time calming and peaceful .Looking at it felt like a meditation
episode for me.sometimes out of so many chaos inside my head one question comes back to me repeatedly what if we knew when to stop or change things around us.I guess that could have bring us the perfect definition of peace and fulfilment of our lives.As humans we are hard wired to follow and run every single minute of our life without giving a careful thought or questioning us WHY! Or what is the end of it and where are we going....
In the process most of the time we end up losing our precious moments,closest people's and most importantly our own self! still we do not stop.
Just imagine it would be so perfect to be able to measure when to stop or take a break and find peace which suits us perfectly.The idea of peace is unique to individuals and varies time to time in our lives.knowing how to earn the perfect peace would be game changing in a world we live in...

When is the last time you felt peaceful and what was it?

Just thinking Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt