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"The nobles' hypocrisy,
the ruler's manipulation
and lies. A tale of a duke's scandalous sin, a journey for a princess that seeks justice and ethereal freedom."

The Hamilton household is uproared by the sudden news, maids are internally panicking, and guards are doing their best to prevent any fight between the dukedom's head and its only successor.

His sleeves are almost torn, a bruised neck and left cheek, he is a total mess from all the beating he received from his father. His mother's cries are heard in every corner of the wide room as his insane father keeps escaping from the knight's tight grip. He spit the blood that rolled on his lips as he slowly stood up while holding the book tightly. A beautiful book that is now ruined from all the ripped pages and burnt spots.

"You are a disgrace in this family! How dare you accuse me of such a scandalous act right in front of your poor mother, you lowly thing!" The duke shouted as if it was his last breath while trying to escape from the knight's grip. Gripping the pages that he ripped on the book a while ago.

"Atlas, apologize to your father! Edgar, you need to calm down!" His mother shouted. She was panicking as she kept exchanging glances with them both.

Yet Atlas only laughed. As his mother kept saying that they should already stop and be calm, it sounds like a ridiculous request for someone who is also a hidden part of this awful "sin".

Brushing his hair as he slowly raised the book, greeted by a visible page that contained obscenities and vulgarity: a woman's fantasy, a man's selfish pleasure.

Who would tolerate a scandalous sin, for someone as close to the name of the mighty emperor they know?!

"This is epic, Father." he tossed the book to a close knight as he walked closer to his father.

From his son, even shame is too low to describe what he is feeling right now. He was bothered, not just by the sudden scene but also by his wife who suddenly went silent. Almost like a switch that immediately stopped her from crying.

With sharp glares, Atlas looked at his father from up to down, "You are no different from those commoners. You were the one who taught me glory, breaking it only means that you are more than a sinner. Ruining the family's glory, our blood is tainted by a bastard like you who cannot even control his own libido and sane!"

His words stabbed like swords into his father's heart. As his mother suddenly stood up and tried to hold him, he didn't even let him touch a single atom of him as he walked away.

He could hear his mother's begging and callings but he didn't look back. Well, he would never and never will.

"A lowly being, huh?"

His grip around his pen tightened, crumpling the paper that he just started how many times since this morning, it's almost 1 o'clock. He lost his focus, and his not have a calm mind. And that memory wouldn't get off into his head even though many years had already passed.

The feeling felt too foreign and shallow. It's too tight and suffocating.

The scent of drowning,
The screams of the faint,
Wandering without notice,
The lust for blood and lies,
Solidifies the resting truth.

He stared at the draft poem that he wrote. It was just there stamped for almost a week. With no plan to continue nor take it away from his sight. Looking at the thing that he is writing again with no harmony of words.

"A stone's work, pft"

He was about to continue again when someone knocked at the door.

"Greetings, Duke Hamilton. A visitor came to have a sudden talk with you," he heard a familiar voice, it was his butler.

The door opened and it revealed a man with Platinum silver hair. Always too bright that he couldn't help but wince. The butler bowed as it went out and closed the door, really loud and tight.

The man went closer to him and gave him a new recorded paper.

"The reads of almost last week's gossip has been a huge hit to many aristocrats. Excelling to capture the attention of even those ignorant of a being, they are humbly requesting for another one.."

Calm yet bold, too calm that it is somehow irritating.

Yet the handsome and mighty Duke Atlas smiled as he crumpled the paper and looked at him.

"Double the price, especially the high hierarchy"

The man's eyes widened yet didn't say a thing that defied the duke's words. For he knew, that defying means cutting gold and putting slacks upon the dirt every day goes in his shoes.

The duke is too unpredictable, yet intelligence is too low and cheap to describe the radar of his level. Eyes that are always watching and solving, hands that never get tired from writing, and a persona that is too dangerous to tame and handle.

His mistakes are illusions, for illusions defy reality.

He watched the duke stand up as he walked straight towards the huge doors.

"Duke Atlas Hamilton, who will be your target in today's trip?"

(Trip is slang in this generation, used to address a gossip that is a void truth between people who are intentionally written or involved.)

The duke didn't stop walking as he answered the question with no interest. Their eyes were bored with how uninteresting the view of his whole room was.

"A blood of illegitimacy"

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