Author's Note

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I extend my heartfelt gratitude for embarking on this literary journey. Crafting this work has been a labor of love, and I hope it resonates with you. Within these pages, you may find echoes of personal experiences, inspirations, and the essence of the world I sought to create.

I encourage you to delve into the narrative with curiosity and an open heart. Every character, plot twist, and setting holds significance, and I trust you'll uncover the layers woven into the story.

As the author, I find joy in sharing this adventure with you. Feel free to connect with me through the characters, the themes, or the overarching narrative. Your engagement is the soul of this work.

I'd like to clarify that any photos included in this work are sourced from Pinterest. The names and places mentioned within the narrative are entirely fictional. In the rare event that they coincide with real persons or locations, it is entirely unintentional.

This story is a product of imagination, and any resemblance to actual individuals or places is purely coincidental. My intention is to provide you with an immersive and captivating experience, free from any real-world associations.

I highly ask of you to not copy my work as it will be taken down or legal actions will be made once known as I've made this all along with effort and hard work.

Thank you for being part of this literary odyssey.

Warm regards,

Ashen S. Lark

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