01. Welcome to Colarado

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We were surrounded by chaos. Surrounded by unseen faces hustling and bustling with their luggage to reach their destination. Others were running with tearful eyes to the welcoming arms of their loved ones.

My tearful eyes were different. Jackie and I were tossed into that airport, thrown onto that plane to take us away from everything we ever knew.
Although this was a chance for me to start fresh, I never planned for it to unfold like this.

To be truthful I hated the stress and burdens placed on me in New York. Coming from such a large city, there's always that pressure to make something big for yourself.

I was always in the shadow of my older sister Lucy's enduring bravery and confidence, I aspired to be just like her, yet my poise manifested through humor and laughter. In the bustling city of New York, my attempts to be taken seriously went unnoticed.

Then there's Jackie, she's just so prestigious. Despite her being slightly younger than me, she was far more popular in our school. She always maintained good grades and was so organised with her school life and social life.

Both my sisters were truly set up for a life in New York but I never fitted in. My parents were the best and they did well for themselves. They encouraged us to all do good things, but in their lifetime they never got to see me accomplish those things...

I have aspirations but no pathway to them. I flunked all my classes, apart from art, with my bad behaviour and lack of interest. Looking back now I was a waste of space. I only did it so I could get attention from my classmates, my teachers but most importantly, my parents.

Even though they loved me unconditionally, their busy lives made catching their attention challenging. Just being with them in the principal's office or just having the chance to have a family meal meant the world to me. I truly love Lucy and my parents...

Although I was nothing in New York, I still had something which was my family. Watching those big buildings become smaller and smaller made what started to look like nothing, mean everything.

I glanced away from the compressed window of the airplane to look at Jackie sat beside me. I squeezed her hand, "I'm glad I still have you!" I forced a smile.

She wiped the tears from my cheek, "we're going to be okay with the Walter family, I can just feel it!"


We had landed in the city of unknown. The place which is meant to be home for our foreseeable future...

After a quick call with Uncle Richard, I noticed the Walter couple enter the airport. Jackie and I had briefly met them at the funeral, unaware that we were soon to be living with them.

Katherine bumbled in, tall and effortlessly beautiful with her long, neatly kept ginger hair – the kind I dreamed of having as a kid. And there's her husband George, unmistakably a farmer just by his appearance. He took charge right away, pushing mine and Jackie's suitcases.

The first encounter carried a hint of awkwardness. I attempted to seize control by injecting humor into the situation, but my once-distinctive optimistic trait had dwindled since the great calamity.

I knew nothing about this couple, just that Katherine was Moms best friend and she lives on a ranch with 10 kids. Who in their right mind has 10 kids!?

The drive to their ranch was brief, marked by an unspoken tension in the air. Though I used to be quite vocal with my opinions, the events that unfolded have left me speechless. I've come to appreciate the silence, finding an odd comfort in its embrace.

I watched the large trees wrap their way down this long drive which I assumed to lead towards the ranch.

As the house came into view, its beauty struck me; I'd never seen anything quite like it. The elegance extended beyond the house to the vast surrounding land. Faint whines of horses and the gentle chirping of birds filled the air, carried by the wind, becoming the only sounds to be heard. While some might find it annoying, I found this serenity oddly peaceful.

That one Walter boy~ Cole Walter Where stories live. Discover now