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Sorry it's been quiet for so long
I am still going to finish this book I'm just rethinking the plot and some of the characters
I've also started my GCSE years so I don't have as much time as I used to so updates may be slow
I'm Christmas break till the 9th January so I'll try to update of what I get done during that time
I'm also drawing out the characters and their designs with bits of info about them which so far I've managed to do Quartzstar, Icecloud and orchidpelt
I'm starting the warriors now
Btw Icecloud is loststar's dad cloudtail but I changed the name because I kept saying icetail and I liked both names so yeah
I may also do some other books on the backstories of other characters I've made
I will also do a chapter on other clans and the cats in them over time
Sorry again for the wait

- Em🌸

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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