The after party,

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Wallace's pov:
I sat on my couch with my legs overlapped one and another, with my head burried in a book. My eyes layed focused on every word there was on the page, I didn't even see how late it was. The bells ringing from the near by church snapped me out of my reading. I finnally checked the time,

It was 1:56 am,
My eyes widened in surprise, it felt like I only started reading a minute ago,
What was more concerning was that my roommate Scott wasn't home yet.
He went to a party with his girlfriend envy, her original name being Natalie a nerdy girl that seemed to had became more superficial as the days went on. He promised he'd be back by 11. My roommate supposadly doesn't drink, and to some extent he doesn't. Somtimes he does but at least whenever I'm around him he doesn't. He's also a complete dumbass, and I can't trust him with anything. And he's lazy, he doesn't have a job or anything. Worst part was that he was to lazy to get his own bed. So we had to share one, not so bad for me as I'm gay, but I'm surprised he's not bothered by it. But even though he is a dumbass, 3 hours late was too much for me.

I got up and picked up my phone I threw on my bed and called him.

It ringed for a bit... but no answer
I tried again, no answer.

Well, that wasn't normal either.
He wrote down the adress of the party on a piece of paper, he'd allways do this, I'm not quite sure why.

Figured I'd check to see if he was there.

I put on my trench coat and walked out the door, and walked to the party. It wasn't too far, only like 700 meters away.

When I found the house the party was at, I saw small disco lights in the window, but it didn't look so packed anymore.
I walked in the house and saw almost no one, and anybody that had been there were flat drunk,

I spotted envy out of the corner of my eye, resting her red on this guys thigh.
That allready gave me a bad feeling.
I walked up to her and shook her around a bit, "envy! Envy!" I yelled out to her, her wyes opened slowly, revealing her green eyes (and dialated pulils), she was obviously drunk out of her mind. "whaattt..?" She sluggishly said, "have you seen Scott?" I said looking down to her "has'd he not come home yettt..? D'ats fonie..." my eyebrows furrowed at her response. She hiccuped and started talking again "nauuuooo... I'ff only seened him once toodaaaee.. 'nd he left straight after seeing mee." She said, slurring every sound that came out of her lipstick covered mouth. I got worried, she essentially just said that he came to the party.. but then left somewhere else. If the party started at 9, then he had been gone for more than 4 hours. I walked out the door without saying goodbye to envy and pulled out my phone, in a last ditch effort to see if  he would pick up.
And to no one's surprise, he didn't.
I got a bad feeling in my chest and I was very worried, I figured I should look around where the party was. There was a park about half a kilometer away, and coincidently that was a park Scott would go to often.
I ran in and looked around, trying to keep my calm.
I walked for about a minute before I spotted him in my pereferal vision.
He was sitting on a bench with his knees up to his chin, he looked really distressed.

I ran up to him while being very annoyed and angry.

"SCOTT!!" I yelled out to him as I went over to him, completely catching him off gaurd, he didn't say anything when I came up to him, he seemed more confused than anything.

"You can't just run off somewhere after you told me you'd be home by 11!." I Scoulded him. He didn't respond for a couple seconds..

"S-sorry." He nervously said, his eyes wide open and blank. He was sober.

My eyes furrowed at his response, he wouldn't respond like this usually. I sat next to him and looked over at him.
"Is everything ok?" I asked him.
His mouth curled at my question, and his eyes relaxed. "Envy broke up with me," he admitted, bluntly. I sat in a bit of shock for awhile, "why?" I said. He looked away before answering, "I dunno, she just said she didn't want me anymore" he said, I frowned. "Is that exactly what she said"
He shook his head, still not looking me in the eye.
"What did she say?" I said worryingly,
"She just told me to get out her life" I hummed in acknolagement, "so that's why she was sleeping on his lap.." i muttered, I covered my mouth as soon as those words escaped my mouth.
Scott looked over at me, looking hurt.
"She allready found somone new?!" He said, his voice breaking as he spoke. I looked down, "yeah, I think so. When I went to ask her where you were she was on some other guy.." I said sadly. His eyes started to shake a bit and he looked down, we sat in a very uncomfortable silence.
Scott allways had the tendency to shut down when somone broke up with him, it was a bad habit that allways made him feel worse after the fact.

He stood up, "can we go home now?" He asked.
I nodded my head and followed along side him.
All throughout our walking, he didn't take his eyes off the sidewalk.
I'd periodically look over at him to make sure he was ok. He'd occasionally look back at me when I did.
When we arrived I opened the door for him, letting him in before me. He threw off his shoes and instantly collapsed onto our bed.
"Don't you want to get into Pyjamas or anything?"
He shook his head and kept it burried in our bed. I didn't press him harder about it.
I brew Scott some earl grey tea, a ritual that I did whenever he was sad, I added extra honey this time though. I climed onto our bed and tapped him slightly, making sure not to distress him more. When he looked up at me I showed him his tea and smiled weakly. He sat up and took my cup, earl grey allways seemed to calm his nerves, but he never made it for himself, he said I was the only person that knew how to make it right, even if his idea of "right" contained way more than the healthy amount of sugar tea would have.
He sipped it slowly, he still looked sad, but his eyes relaxed. "'ll be alright." I said, patting his shoulder and smiling at him, he weakly smiled as thanks, "these relationship things are messy, I'm sure you'll both work it out..." he didn't look at me when I said this, but it did put a small smile on his face. I grabbed him and noogied him profusely which messed up his hair,  "hey!" He said laughing. "Sorryyy" I said very sarcastically, "I'm going to go brush my teeth, I'll be back" I said leaving our room, "kay," he muttered. I looked back to him to see if he was all good, he looked better than he did at the park, but I had to prepare myself for the next few weeks, beacuse I knew he'd be a lot to handle

When I came back from brushing my teeth he was allready asleep, still in his clothes from earlier, his cup was on the counter and I had check to see if he drank it, which he did.
I put him under the covers before I crawled into our bed. I watched him sleep a bit, while pulling his hair out of his face, he looked so innocent, but alas he was not. Even though I felt really bad for Scott, a part of me doesn't at all, beacuse he'd often abandon girls the way envy did to him. I don't think it was ever on purpose, as I said before, he's kinda dumb. I think he lacks the emotional inteligence to realise he hurt the people that loved him.

I turned over and turned off our lamp, and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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Wallace wells x Scott pilgrim pluh Where stories live. Discover now