37. Kitty Party

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The next day at the breakfast table Dia arrives late for breakfast intentionally. She didn't want to face anyone after what happened last night and waited for all to leave, especially Kabir and Shalini. But when she comes down amusingly she finds Riya sitting there and gulps. But then looking away she silently takes her seat with Claire.

Dia covered her marks very well with other scars using a concealer and foundation. But what about her face and mood? Anyone looking at her could assume she was off today. And the rest told her red puffed eyes with eyebags covered in dark circles.

What happened to her today?
Why she is looking like a Annabella doll suddenly?
Did something happen to her last night?

Riya was amusingly worried for Dia looking at her face. The silence she was holding on to seemed fishy and unusual as if the silence itself was trying to say a story. She doesn't sympathize with her but as human nature is still left in her she was worriedly empathising. As the normal Divya would be mocking or smirking or insulting her right now but everything was different today.

Should I ask?
No..no... No.
It's better to see from far instead of walking inside the lion's den.

Just ignore Riya.. that's only better for you.

Serving herself, Dia was just about to take a morsel into her mouth when Karan appeared in front of her eyes and took a seat opposite her. His eyes filled with guilt studies her face for a second and he slowly starts serving for himself.

When seeing his glimpse she lost her appetite fully and pushing her plate aside she left like that. Riya was amused to find out her act like that just after Karan appeared. Her instincts got stronger that something had happened between them. As just as Divya leaves, she finds Karan leaving the breakfast table as well.

Something is too fishy!!

You need to get in charge, dear!, she said to herself and continued to eat.

Claire left for the office as well, completing her breakfast and when reached she finds a mess in her boss cabin.

What the fuck did happen?

All the files were lying on the floor with a bouquet of orchids. Anger, frustration, hatred was all over her face written and it made her wander what's going on. She dropped her purse on the couch and arranged every file quickly and cleaned the mess. And while doing so she found small pieces of a sorry note and in one of them there was Karan's name.

It clicked her brain and she got an assumption of her bad mood so to cheer her up she quickly cleaned the mess, sprayed some aromatic fragrance in the room and ordered her favourite cafe food. 

She didn't disturbed Dia and let her be on her own until the food arrived and when it did she simply placed it in front of her and let the aroma hit her nostrils. Dia in seconds snapped her head to the right and saw her favourite chocolate doughnut with icing sugar on it and devours it. She kept on munching, releasing her stress and covering up her hunger while Claire brings her a strong black cup of coffee.

Whenever disturbed nowadays Dia opts for black coffee with hard bitterness and no sugar at all. She sipped it all and after a few seconds she seemed to be normal again. Claire then takes a seat beside her and gently places her hand over hers. She caresses her knuckles lightly as if assuring her that she is there for her and makes her comfortable to open up.

Dia smiles sadly at her, relaxing in her warmth and shared everything not fully but still and that made Claire hate Karan as well. For a second thought she used to assume Karan was good but now after hearing this, it all got erased.


Later, in the evening Dia was supposed to go for an outdoor meeting with one of her clients discussing the opening of her restaurant chains. When there she saw Riya with her few bitchy friends. The meeting was short and it ended well and as she was leaving the restaurant she heard Riya say something.

It ticked her nerves but remaining silent she left from there with Claire. She completes her rest of the work for the day and then departs home with Claire. She freshens up and remains in her room planning for something to taste Riya, her own medicine. At dinner time, she went downstairs and joined everyone and even after seeing Karan she decided to ignore his existence. She silently ate the food and just when they all were almost done with it she cleared her throat for an announcement and her head snapped at her.

"Tomorrow at 4pm there is a small get together party for the ladies in my club. So, I would like to see everything set up according to that at times", she said.

"So, what do we have to do with that?", Riya asked, finding it nothing important to her ears.

"So… you my darling are supposed to supervise it and check if it goes nicely or not. As you know this is my house and people living here need to follow my orders", she stated clearly before Riya argues.

"But there are servants… why me?", as expected she being Riya not cross questioning is impossible.

"Because I said so..", she said in a bossy tone making it clear who is the one ruling here.

She then looked at Shalini and asked her to get the food menu ready according to the taste preference which Riya can help her with. She also added that the servants won't help them except for dusting, cleaning and cooking and everyone standing there nodded, taking her command. Riya was baffled hearing this as she didn't get this hidden hint in it. She thought like that's all she needs servants for what else is left and they all screwed for their room.


"Hello… my son, are you okay?", a lady's voice came through the phone.

"Yes… I'm better now and will recover fully soon. Btw what update do you have now?", the man boringly rolling his eyes asked.

"She is having a kitty party tomorrow at home. And has ordered everyone some tasks. She is just acting too much like a boss ordering everyone around", the lady informed. "Let her rule as much as she wants… till I'm not back. After all that all will be short lived once she is back to me. So, just let her enjoy the few days of her freedom and then I would be the one ruling her till death", the man said in a low voice and laughed evilly with that lady joining her behind.

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