|Need A Hand...?

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Need A Hand...?

The Walden
February 14, 1929

"Lady Zephyr"

"We'll be going now signorina, good luck" whispered through the well-disguised earpiece as 'Lady Zephyr' took on the stage, masked with her alluring smile, she brushed her fingers through the flowers on her shoulders for comfort, and greeted the orchestra and face the audience, on their chairs in suspense as they waited to hear her sing, she glanced at the bar if a girl with a big green and flowery hat sat there but she didn't see her. She frowned inside her head in concern.

'Where is she...? She was enthralled to see the orchestra and my collaboration with them...I hope she's okay' She held the mic in her hands and nodded to the orchestra to start.

With an unaware audience (even the members of the Manus Vindictae--oh so easy to deceive as always), like a music box that needs its key, she began to sing. The spotlight shines on her grace, bathing in a blissful memory of the past—a nostalgia of her own as she sings through a karaoke with this song, and never can she imagine that she will be up here on this stage performing. Her younger self will cringe in embarrassment in such a situation.

She smiled through her lips of the short reminiscing, but it was not the time to do it and focus on the matter at hand. 'Lady Zephyr' pretended to look at the audience at the front to look at the clock, but then she met familiar grey eyes looking at her in surprise.

'Ah, finally at last' she smiled at her warmly, looking at the child she met long ago--now fully grown into a fine and courageous lady. 'She must've endured so much in that school, and I'm incapable of helping her at such a time, I'm sorry if I'm unable to do so,' she moved around the stage and sat down with one who plays the trumpet, who played amazingly.

'Maybe it's time...'She trailed in her mind.

Sleep in peace when day is done

That's what I mean

And this old world is a new world

And a bold world for me

And I'm feeling food

An encore of applause surrounds her as she hits the highest note, throwing a bouquet and money on her way, and with her hands raised above, and as if she was grabbing the light, she and the orchestras ended their performance, earning more praises from the crowd. The orchestra stood up beside Lady Zephyr bowed, and exiting to the left side of the stage.

Some were seated at their designated chairs for the honored guests, well Lady Zephyr had other things in mind and sat at the bar stool, where the Walden owner stood.

"Welcome, welcome everyone..."He clapped his hands loudly, earning the attention of the occupants of the bar.

"All the new immigrants, arcanists, moralities, and immoralities, Anti-Saloon League, and democratic progressives, free thinkers, and church-goers...Welcome to your eternal home, The Walden"

"How was it? The collaboration of Duke Ellington's Orchestra with Lady Zephyr takes to your liking. I must thank the lady for putting on a show." He gave Lady Zephyr a charming smile, yet she felt the sinister lies beneath...and that almost made her puke in disgust but masked it with her fan and a close-eyed smile.

"Well, in that case, the next round's Python Sweet is all on me. I assure you every Chicagoan loves the YY Bourbon. You won't regret its charm." Some cheered and some eyes lingered somewhere, earning Forget Me Not's Attention.

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