Chapter 1 | Huh?

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Chapter 1| Huh? |

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Chapter 1
| Huh? |

ANNABETH WOKE NISHA up from her beauty sleep.

"Uuuuuugh. What?" Nisha asked, rubbing her eyes, she could only see Annabeth's outline as she stood before the window.

"Wanna see the new kid?" Annabeth asked, this surprised Nisha, Annabeth wasn't the one to see kids when they were asleep. She looked over to Nox who was snoring, like always, she groaned and got out of bed. She put her dark blue slippers on and walked over to the infirmary where the boy was kept.

"Ew. He's drooling." She points to the puddle of saliva next to the boy's face. The pair make a disgusted face, and the boy stirs in his sleep and wakes up with a groan.

"You drool in your sleep," Annabeth said. Her arms crossed, she seemed bossy. Annoyed maybe.

"Huh?" The boy asked. Nisha chuckled. The boy fell back asleep in mere seconds. He had sandy blonde hair, and from what she could tell, ocean-blue eyes.

As they were walking back to their cabins Annabeth spoke up.

"He's unclaimed you know?" She had stopped walking. Nisha looked at her confused and nodded. She was confused as to why her best friend would blurt that out randomly.

"Of course I know." She let out an airy giggle. She turned around and kept walking.
"Im going back to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled as she arrived at her cabin. Waving to Annabeth as she went inside.


Nisha was sitting under a tree in the shade, Nox lying down next to her. He sat up as he saw Luke, the popular boy, walk out with the new boy.

"Hey, look! Isn't that the boy you and Ann went to visit?" He asks, she smacks his shoulder telling him to be quiet.
"Sorry!" He whispered, Clarisse walked into the boy because he wasn't paying attention.

"hey!" He shouted. Clarisse turned around swiftly and pushed him to the ground, Luke intervened.

"Hey. Knock it off, it's his first day." He told her, that another boy helped him up from the ground and he dusted himself off.

"So this is the kid who killed the Minotaur, right?" She points to him. The boy replied with a simple 'yes'

"I'll bet. Look you want attention around here? Be ready for it when it comes." She walked closer to him. And fake jumped at him, making him flinch, Nisha stood up.

"Leave him alone Clarisse." She told her, Clarisse looked at her, back at the boy, laughed and walked away. The boy glanced back at her, She was already sitting at the tree.

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